Exporting to SFM issues

Started by JustMayo, June 09, 2014, 03:52:49 AM

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I have to start by saying that... I'm basically a novice to modelling/3ds/maya/porting/exporting.

But I am a fast learner, and I have achieved these results while trying to port a model into SFM. I will of course explain the issues I'm having after the picture

My main goal here is to be able to port a pose-able model to SFM for animating purposes. Not a typical gmod ragdoll, so no physics. Just a reference and its multiple sequences.

So in the left I have the result of the model compiled using the anvil method here : http://www.wallworm.net/index.php/topic,880.msg2307.html#msg2307

It exported the right textures and model HOWEVER, as you can see it's not correctly positioned and looking down. The other issue with the method is that the bones were exported BUT not with the model.
There was another instance where the model I compiled using the anvil method  did export the model in the right size and orientation and textures working, but the skeleton was still off the model not placed properly. (for this instance I don't have a picture as I deleted the compiled .mdl)

The bones, I believe were ported where the model is supossed to be. Could this be something having to do with 3Dsmax and not the WWMT?

The un-textured model on the right was the result of just exporting the model in .smd as a reference, and then I proceeded to compile it the old fashioned way, by dragging the .qc file into the compile exe in SFM

The model compiled in the right orientation and with the right scale BUT I could not give it textures (my mistake in the QC, 99% sure)
The model also had no bones, it exported just like a prop (a table or chair) just with the root transform.

I don't think it has to do with the fact that the original model is .skn (model) and .skl (skeleton), unless there is a known error dealing with these.

My questions now are:

(hopefully wallworm can reply to this) -is there a way to export a model and compile it, (much like the anvil method in the thread I posted above) but for SFM....An easier/simpler way?

-What settings do I have to use to be able to export the .smd (not the anvil method) with a skeleton, so I don't end up with an unrigged .smd

-Is what I want considered a dynamic prop? or a ragdoll prop?

I will be posting more on further trial and error when I have more to write.

Thanks in advance :)


I haven't spent a lot of time in SFM, but it was a missing feature in the SFM and CS:GO model compilers that forced me to  write my own SMD Exporter for Wall Worm: the $origin command was not implemented as it used to. Whether that is true anymore, I'm not sure. But what it means is that if you are not using the WW SMD Exporter in the global settings, some things could be wrong.

So your first test should be making sure that you do not have the Rotate Origin option checked. Generally speaking, you should avoid using the Rotate option for skinned models. It's primary purpose is for props.

I said this because it's the easiest fix (if it works).

If that doesn't fix the problem, then the most likely problem is a transformation issue. Here is a very important rule: NEVER SCALE your mesh or its bones. EVER. Scaling the mesh at the object level or its bones is the cause of 99% of problems people have. For meshes, scaling should ALWAYS be at the sub-object level. For bones... just NEVER do it. Even rotating meshes is a bad idea: if you rotate/scale at the object level, make sure to reset the transform.

I suggest looking into this document on Model Scale. It may not seem like this could be the root of your problems if the scale seems right, but the transformations are very important to the output of the model. You may have to reset the XForm of your mesh as described in that document. And if the bones are scaled, you'll need to take care to reset their scale too (but not with the XForm modifier--but in the Hierarchy Panel in Max).

Unfortunately, you can run into a lot of problems trying to fix the transformations of a rigged model. You may have to look into the docs on saving Skin data, deleting the skin modifier, fixing all the transforms, then applying the skin data again.

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