How can I make an animated model from animated heightmap?

Started by Mamorex, September 12, 2014, 01:26:30 PM

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If I use displace modifer, compile process tell me that I haven't any animated sequence.


The problem is that animations are bone-based, not vertex based.

To do what you want requires exporting vertex animations as VTA/Flexes. This is possible in WW, but still requires some extra work. I will try to find time to give the most efficient way to accomplish this type of thing. But even if you accomplish it, it will always have some limitations that you'll need to keep in mind. First of all, it can probably become costly to frame-rate if you use it a lot. That would require testing. But from the mechanical perspective, it will not be realistic for things like collisions--because collision hulls cannot morph into new shapes like the display mesh.


Ok, thanks  ;) How can I make a animated model with $treesway? I have the same problem with it. If I put to .vmt all needed commands about $treesway and compile model as simple static prop, this not swaying, of course, I have a env_wind entity at map and stock palm tree from Valve CS:GO works fine.


"$basetexture" "models/swaytest"

$nocul 1
$model 1
$FlashlightNoLambert 1
$vertexfog 1

$treeSway "1"
$treeSwayHeight "300"
$treeSwayStartHeight "1"
$treeSwayRadius "200"
$treeSwayStartRadius "0.3"
$treeSwaySpeed "1"
$treeSwayStrength "1"
$treeSwayFalloffExp "1"
$treeSwayScrumbleSpeed "2"
$treeSwayScrumbleStrength "2"
$treeSwayScrumbleFrequency "4"
$treeSwayScrumbleFalloffExp "2"

$treeSwaySpeedHighWindMultipler "0"
$treeSwaySpeedLerpStart "200"
$treeSwaySpeedLerpEnd "600"



That is pretty much how it works for me. Off the top of my head I can't remember if I needed to add a logic_auto to start the wind. Or maybe it is that you need a high wind multiplier larger than 0 or other settings in the wind.



I'm not sure what the question is, exactly. I watched the video but am not sure I can tell what I am supposed to be getting at.

What I do is:

1) Make a model in Max.
2) Give it a material.
3) Select the model and click Wall Worm > Wall Worm Materials > Give Obj Mat WW Materials
4) Open material in material editor and turn on For Model, choose VertexLitGeneric and turn on the $treesway option.
6) Export Mat in WW.
7) Export Model with $staticprop.
8) Add env_wind and light_environment in Wall Worm > Level Design > Point Entities.
9) Seal Level with world geometry (using Anvil or Level Design options).
10) Export level with Wall Worm > Wall Worm Level Design > Export VMF. Use compile on export option.
11) Open level in CS:GO. Model is swaying.

This works for me and the levels I'm making.

Note that for $treesway, you can use models without such high tricount (for example, on a single plane composed of 2 tris).


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