SMD Exporting breaks UV maps?

Started by Anonyma, June 14, 2015, 06:20:17 AM

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After exporting an SMD, for some odd reason all of my polygons keep getting stretched over the entire texture. As per this image:

Here's what it looks like ingame on a slightly different model:

I'm sure it's the exporting process, as my UVs seem to be fine right before I export, but the first image occurs if I import the exported model back in.

Here's my settings for the exporter.

Could it be that I have some wrong setting in my exporter? I'm using 3ds max 2014, by the way. 64 bit.
Thanks for your time.


I'm a little mystified as to what is going on. Can you clarify a couple things: 1) Are you saying that the UVs get broken inside 3ds Max? Or are you saying that the textures are going bad in the compiled model? (After re-reading, I think this is what you are saying).

2) Can you show a screen shot of the textured model in Max side-by-side with the same model in HLMV?

I don't know of anything that can break the UVs inside Max, so my assumption is that it's just the export that is failing: If you are not using a valid material (Standard or Multi/Sub-Object with Standard material inputs) then the function to detect UVs won't work. To test this, you can try to manually set the UV channel in the SMD exporter. (The default is 0 which does an auto-detect but, again, requires the correct materials and map types.)

The only other thing I can think of is that there is a bug in the version of Wall Worm that you are using. Your SMD Exporter is 1.73 and the current exporter version is 1.8. You could try updating Wall Worm and seeing if that fixes it.


Well, I'm trying to say that on a model with texture positioning for one single texture to be applied onto a model, after the exporting process, it instead overlays that texture onto each individual polygon.

I think I will give the new version of wall worm a try tomorrow. Thanks for letting me know that a new release was available.

Here is a before image. It has only been decompiled from an mdl into SMD, and imported with wallworm.

Here is the image above. It is the same model, but re-exported back into an SMD.


I'm half expecting it was a bug in that version of the SMD exporter. If updating WW doesn't fix the issue, send me your scene with File > Save As > Archive and I'll see what is amiss.


After updating to 1.8, all of my problems vanished. Thanks!


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