Wall Worm 2.91 Released

Started by wallworm, October 25, 2016, 11:04:05 PM

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Version 2.91 released on 10-25-2016

   * System: Added new GeometryClass called WallWormMDL. This new geometry class is the new geometry type for Wall Worm's handling of props (replacing WWMT Proxies and being used for all new Entity Objects). It is currently not finished. When fully implemented, it will display native MDL files inside the Max viewport. At this time, they are able to display meshes from WWMT Helpers and QC files in all versions of Max. MDL support is currently limited to Max 2015-2017.
   * Importers: Added new menu under Wall Worm > Wall Worm Importers > Import MDL to import MDL files from VPK or game folders. Currently only works in 3ds Max 2015-2017.
   * WWMT: Epoly WWMT Proxies are now deprecated. Now WWMT Proxies will be WallWormMDL objects.
   * VMF Exporter: Updated VMF Exporter to use new WWMT Proxies generated as WallWormMDL nodes.
   * VMF Exporter: Updated VMF Exporter to optimize export times when gathering Proxy information.
   * VMF Exporter: Fixed formatting error in the Entity Connections block that caused a problem when re-importing a VMF.
   * VMF Exporter: Updated VMF Exporter to group props scattered with ForestPro and PropLine.
   * VMF Importer: Integrated the WallWormMDL class into the VMF Importer.
   * VMF Importer: Updated the VMF/MAP importer with better logic for brush generation, improving the quality of the imports.
   * VMF Importer: Added support for importing lightmap scales and smoothing groups on brush faces.
   * VMF Importer: Updated VMF Importer to use the Faster file lookups for QC file collections when WW Pro is installed.
   * VMF Importer: Updated the VMF Importer to set the current display setting to Shaded so lights are not blasting things away.
   * VMF Importer: Updated import options. Removed some of the settings like prop rotation settings that are no longer part of WW Importer.
   * VMF Importer: Added a setting to skip hidden objects.
   * VMF Importer: Added support for importing the hidden state of objects.
   * VMF Importer: Added support for nested visgroups to convert to nested layers (in 3ds Max 2015+ only).
   * VMF Importer: Added support for Grouped objects from the VMF.
   * VMF Importer: Removed several importer options that are no longer necessary (including the default brush generation mode, validation and import caching).
   * VMF Importer: Updated the prop rotation functions to be more accurate.
   * VMF Importer: Added new rounding threshhold that can be set to give more per-map control on importing brushes or rebuilding bad brushes.
   * VMF Importer: Updated function to set material texcoords on overlays. Generally better results (less upside-down overlays); however, the fix uncovered a severe logical flaw in the way WW handles overlay UVs... and this will have to be addressed in a systemic update in the future.
   * VMF Importer: Fixed bugs with rebuild selected function.
   * VMT Importer: Updated the VMT importer to work with materials inside a VPK.
   * VMT Importer: Fixed VMT importer in WW Pro ignoring $color2 for model textures.
   * VMT Importer: Updated VMT/VTF lookup functions to use less lookup paths by default. This speeds up asset searches not found in expected paths.
   * VMT Importer: Updated VMT importer to use relative paths for textures if the new global setting for that is turned on.
   * VMT Importer: Fixed a bug importing materials when the bitmap cannot be found on the file system.
   * Settings: Added new Material setting to force imported VTF/TGA to use relative paths.
   * Settings: Added two new Material settings to enable/disable extra lookup paths for VMT and VTF Files.
   * Settings: Fixed PropLib button erroneously changing the MatGen path.
   * Settings: Added new buttons UP/DN to move the presets.
   * Settings: Updated the presets to not load automatically when selected in the list, allowing changes to the preset names/order without having to load presets.
   * Settings: Added new button to Load Selected Preset.
   * Settings: Fixed bug with saving the Mapsrc path in a preset.
   * Settings: Fixed bug with Get FGD button not updating the FGD field.
   * Settings: Fixed bugs parsing entity FGD files in WW Free.
   * Proxy Tools: Added some buttons to tag proxies as sky/not sky.
   * Proxy Tools: Added button to randomize skins by proxy selection rather than WWMT Selection.
   * Entity Explorer: Added "MDL" and "WW Proxy" to Entity Explorer. MDL is the path to the model for the entity.
   * Entity Explorer: Updated the Entity Type to support WWMT and WW Proxies that are not using an entity.
   * Entity Explorer: Added Fade settings into Entity Explorer.
   * Entities: Added new Keyvalue custom attribute to add properties to entities that are missing from FGD.
   * Point Entities: Added button to load from MDL files.
   * Point Entities: Added a combobox to the Point Entity floater that lists all models currently in the scene.
   * Brush Explorer: Added column for Brush ID. The Brush ID is only available after a scene has been exported to VMF.
   * Anvil: Fixed bug in the Set Lightmap Scale function.
   * WWMT: Added FBX support into the WWMT Exporter. Can now export to FBX and reference this in the QC. This setting only works in some mods (like CSGO). The setting is only available in the Modify Tab when the WWMT Helper is selected.
   * WWMT: Fixed bug in VTF export with Bodygroups.
   * WWMT: Updated WWMT to no longer compile bodygroups as separate MDL files with main model by default.
   * WWMT: Fixed bug where bodygroup LODS were being skipped.
   * WWMT: Fixed bug causing a MAXScript error when re-exporting some models with LODS after a scene was re-opened.
   * WWMT: Updated WWMT to only make one $texturegroup.
   * WWMT: Updated QC exporter to write out the file extension on the automatic IDLE sequence to match that used in the export (in the event of DMX, FBX or SMD) to work with the latest CSGO studiocompile.exe.
   * WWMT: Updated QC exporter to always include at least one sequence. Previously bad data could sometime confuse the exporter into not using the default IDLE sequence.
   * WWMT: Added new setting Skip $body. When on and there are bodygroups assigned to the WWMT, the QC will skip the $body. Found in the Models, Attachements & Bones rollout in the Modify Tab.
   * WWMT: Added Bodygroups into the WWMT Helper instead of relying on linked dummy helpers. Found in the Models, Attachements & Bones rollout in the Modify Tab.
   * WWMT: Added support to remember last size of the WWMT UI floater. Will enforce a minimum height of 612.
   * Bodygroups: Added two new buttons into the Bodygroup Floater: "Use Blank Submodel" and "Don't Use Blank Submodel". Will set the selected Bodygroups to use or not use a blank submodel in the QC.
   * General: Updated most functions that access a mesh's GetFace() method to use SnapShotAsMesh() instead of node.mesh to speed up functions. This will help the VMF, SMD, Hull and Displacement functions for all users; most speed increase will be noticed by users of Free WW since WW Pro functions were already speeding up many cases.
   * Problem Checker: Added several new checks for problems with WW settings.
   * Problem Checker: Added latest Max Service Pack notifications.
   * Installation: Removed option to copy install to the AppData folder. Now WW is solely derived from where it's unzipped.


Version 2.912 released on 10-26-2016

   * MDL Importer: Fixed bug when clicking the Import MDL menu.

Version 2.911 released on 10-26-2016

   * Installation: Added notice to restart 3ds Max after installing.
   * Settings: Updated Settings to always set the MatGen path to the $images folder if not set.


Version 2.913 released on 10-27-2016

   * VMT Importer: Fixed bug when importing a 4wayBlend material into versions of Max prior to 3ds Max 2015 (which do not support the later DX11 shader for 4way blend).


Version 2.914 released on 10-28-2016

   * MDL: Fixed bug in WallWormMDL class when setting the screenspacefade and an existing entity was not storing the parameter as a boolean.


Version 2.915 released on 10-28-2016

   * VMF Importer: Fixed bug importing a VMF when a color value is malformed in the VMF.
   * VMF Importer: Updated Instance importing to properly create subfolders.


Version 2.916 released on 10-29-2016

   * Version: Fixed version number not updated in 2.915 release.
   * VMF Importer: Fixed spelling error in importer dialog.

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