Wall Worm 3.066 Released

Started by wallworm, March 20, 2017, 03:05:46 PM

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Version 3.066 released on 3-20-2017

   * Macroscripts: Updated some of the macroscripts included with WW. These include new macroscripts related to the Normal Tools addon you can get from WW, among others.
   * Importers: Updated Mass Model Fetch to display information about the import status in Max's status bar.
   * Importers: Updated the VMT Importer to not automatically append to a VMT Import library.
   * Importers: Updated the VMT Importer to try to guess the correct material path for imported brush materials.
   * Importers: Updated the VMT Importer to give you several options when importing a single VMT file: Add to current selection; Add to Material Editor slots; Add to a import material library.
   * Importers: Updated the VMT Importer to add the imported material as a submaterial of the object's material if the object's material is a Multi/Sub-Object Material; otherwise, it replaces the object's material.


Version 3.067 released on 3-22-2017

   * WWMT: Fixed bug exporting a WWMT with no meshes. Was causing a maxscript error.
   * Settings: Updated the global settings such that it will always save default model/material paths even if user has not explicitly set them.
   * Settings: Fixed quirk where the global preset paths for models/materials would often get a copied version that had backslashes instead of forward slashes.
   * WWMT: Updated WWMT functions to properly assign a default model/material path if none are set in global settings.
   * Convert Scene to Model: Added new option to remove DX Shaders. This alleviates problems where displacement terrains used as culling objects won't get their materials assigned to new models.


Version 3.068 released on 3-24-2017

   * VMF Exporter: Added some data checking for valid fade distances that could cause invalid formatting in VMF.
   * Entity Explorer: updated the functions for updating fade distances to sanitize data.
   * Scene Explorers: Fixed bug where opening the Entity Explorer, Brush Explorer or Displacement Explorer in a scene that had been closed and reopened. The reopened scene would not actually show the proper explorer columns.
   * VTF Importer: Added Alpha Channel support in the VTF Importer in WW Pro for Max 2014. Was previously only available in Max 2015+.


Version 3.069 released on 3-24-2017

   * WWMT: Added new setting in WWMT to manually set the collision type ($collisionmodel or $collisionjoints) if needed. Defaults to Auto which will export types based off of logic WW has always used previously. This setting is only in Modify Tab.
   * Settings: Added new function to reset the Model Cache in the scene when switching to a new Game Preset. This avoids problems of switching mods and the new files get a model from previous game during the same Max session.
   * MDL: Updated function for reseting session data to not delete the current MDL cache to optimize performance between loading scenes.
   * WWMT: Added listener to file post open to close the WWMT Floater to avoid MAXScript errors due to deleted nodes.
   * Displacements: Added new checkbox in Sculpt Mesh Commit functions called Show Commit Status. When on, that progress of the commit will be printed in the Max status bar.

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