Wall Worm 3.223 Released

Started by wallworm, July 31, 2017, 09:12:30 PM

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Version 3.223 released on 7-31-2017

   * Displacements: Updated the Create Sculpt Mesh and Commit Sculpt Mesh functions to run Garbage Collection at different intervals to avoid RAM being used up with sculpt meshes composed of hundreds (or thousands) of displacements.
   * Menus: Updated many of the menus to add a SHIFT+LMB feature. Supported menus will now send you to the online documentation for the clicked function when you hold SHIFT and click the menu item.
   * WWMT: Fixed a bug that could happen when opening a WWMT in the WWMT Floater.
   * VMF Exporter: Fixed PropLine and Forest nodes being skipped if modifiers were applied to them.

Note that the new menu change could affect custom keyboard shortcuts to WW functions if those shortcuts use the SHIFT key. For those menus that now have online docs bound to the menu, you can no longer use the SHIFT key in keyboard shortcuts to them.

I have not added the docs to all menu items. More will come.


Version 3.224 released on 8-1-2017

   * WWMT: Fixed the Hull Count button not working in the modify tab when a WWMT Helper is selected.


Version 3.226 released on 8-4-2017

   * VMF Exporter: Added Game launch parameters to set custom launch settings.
   * VMF Exporter: Changed VMF Exporter UI to remember last position/size.
   * VMF Exporter: Fixed VMF Exporter not launching map if name started with certain special characters.
   * Displacements: Added button to print info and errors about a displacement into MAXScript listener.
   * Displacements: Added function to assign a displacement to a brush side.
   * Utilities: Added function to reset all floater positions to defaults. Function found in Problem Checker UI.


Version 3.225 released on 8-2-2017

   * VMF Importer: Fixed bug that could happen if some entity values were not expected data types.
   * Problem Checker: Added several new checks for the Displacement checker, including checking for invalid Source Brush Geometry (non-quad side, non-planar side, brush face with very tiny surface area, etc).


Version 3.227 released on 8-8-2017

   * MDL Importer: Fixed bug importing some MDL files to WWMT.

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