Some Help With A Tweak

Started by SpAM_CAN, July 28, 2013, 06:11:24 PM

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I made a Portal playermodel a while back and today noticed that the bottoms of the feet are SLIGHTLY too long. I no longer have the MAX or SMD/QC files for the model, only the finished MDL file. I decompile it, attempt to fix the issue (by slightly moving the polygons of the soles of the feet to line up with the footsprings). The problem comes along when I recompile...

Yeeeeeeah. Every animation that isn't 'ref' looks like that.

I'm not sure which stage is going wrong, be it the decompile, the import, the edit or the export. Mind lending a hand? I've included male_anims.mdl which needs to be included with the model, but hopefully that'll be in the decompile QC.

All that needs to be done is a teeny tiny height change in the soles of the feet so that it doesn't stick out through the wall on the other side of the Portal, but I can't do this without seriously screwing up the entire model. I've been (attempting) to use the most recent WallWorm tools and 3DS Max 2014 (education edition, if that changes anything).


Model files:


The man for feedback is K@rt. Hopefully he will share some feedback. I've never really messed with the decompiling/recompiling process; the only thing I've ever known is that decompiled models usually have various kinds of issues like rotated bones, etc.

Anyway, I'm sure he'll chime in soon.


I've been tinkering for the last few days and I'm pretty sure that its the decompile that has the problem... I don't remember how to make this kind of model though, and all this is doing is confusing me now >.<

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