Problem with models not updating upon change and re-export.

Started by svtshep, March 03, 2014, 11:03:18 AM

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First, make sure that you have the latest version of WW because I just made a change a couple weeks back or so that added better compatibility for CS:GO in Sky Writer. To properly export a Sky material now for CS:GO and other mods that don't like the Sky Shader, uncheck the Sky checkbutton in the newer Sky Writer before exporting. (This will make UnlitGeneric Sky Materials, which is what CSGO wants.)

To answer your questions:

No, you do not need a Sky Writer object in the scene to use a 3D sky, and you do not need to use a 3D sky to use Sky Writer. The power to do both in a unified environment, though, is really what makes it so cool (in my opinion).

I will work on a sample scene and accompanying video for this as I know Joris Ceoen is also tipping his toes into these tools... and I'd love to see some people start taking advantage of them. Maybe I will have it this weekend.


I have the newest version (Feb 22nd was the release date I believe). I remember seeing the update about the UnlitGeneric Sky Materials when searching around for help and have made sure to do this correctly. I'll keep messing with it to see if I can get it to work properly. If I create a 3D Skybox, how do I go about texturing each 6 sides properly? Also, the video would be awesome and greatly appreciated!


I was thinking about it over the weekend and had this question: Is Sky Writer just for essentially taking pictures of your environment to use on a 3D skybox? Like taking all 6 views created from Sky Writer and manually applying the TGA files to the each side of the Skybox. I just wasn't sure if it was supposed to apply them automatically to anything tagged as Brush+Skybox once compiled.


Sorry this hasn't been more clear.

First, here are some informative links:

Sky Writer for rendering the 2D Sky

3D Sky Box functions

And here is an example scene with a video that goes along with it. You should be able to download the scene and quickly export all models, model materials, 2d sky, world materials and level in a couple minutes.

The video may be a little dated and (maybe even have some misinformation) but it should demonstrate to you how to use the various features and why they are there. Note that if using Max 2014, you should download the file linked on the right column labeled Export VMF 2014.

I already started putting together a more up-to-date scene for a newer video, but I probably won't have time to make it today like I originally planned. I forgot that the Cosmos remake premieres today!

[EDIT] And to answer your question, Sky Writer makes the 6 images that are projected into the sky of your level. You may have had black textures because you need to add a light_environment entity. The easiest way to accomplish this is to use a Daylight/Sunlight system in Max (as in the video/scene) or to add a Direct Light. These will always export as light_environment. As long as your VMF exporter has the name you chose for your sky when you rendered then compiled, that is all you need to do to get the sky to work.

The other 3d skybox is for automatically miniaturizing and moving the 3d skybox objects at export time so you don't have to make a mini copy for the 3D sky (objects outside the bounds of player. The sky writer sky is behind that in the view.


Thanks for putting together the video. I've checked out all of the links in the past, but I'll try to go over them again. Also, I had a chance to go to a private screening last week, but forgot.

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