Window blue - first model

Started by Sh_K, March 17, 2014, 12:16:19 PM

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sorry in advance for my poor english.
I've began to make model on Milkshape for CS1.3 maps, years have passed and i want to make maps and models again but for CSGO.

I've made a window for my next map, everything is allright. But in game, when i shoot on the windows (concrete part, flaps or window body)
it doesn't make the sounds of materials, and doesn't produce fragment of wood or concrete.

I know intimately that there's a thing to do for this, I only know that can be possible with $surfaceprop but i don't how and where...
Thank you for your help, if you have any tutorials for this,that's wellcome.

And finally, thank you for WWMT, that's a great plugin !


There are two routes to take:

Model's $surfaceprop or Material's $surfaceprop.

If using model surfaceprop, all material surface properties are ignored completely, and there is only one surface property for the whole model. This setting is in the main Model & QC section of WWMT.

If you want to have wood, glass and concrete in the same model, the WWMT $surfaceprop should be set to none. Then, you need to use a MultiMaterial for your model (so this model would have three materials). Each material can have it's own surfaceprop... which you can control by selecting your model when it has three separate Materials via a Mulit/Sub-Object material, then clicking Wall Worm > Wall Worm Materials > Add WW Mat to Selection. Now open each material in the material editor and set the For Model option on, Shader to VertexLitGeneric and the correct $cdmaterials. Now set the $surfaceproperty in this material. And then re-export the materials.

Note that if the model is unwrapped, you can use the same bitmap in each of the three materials.

Hopefully this helps.


Quote from: wallworm on March 17, 2014, 12:27:57 PM
the WWMT $surfaceprop should be set to none.
Is it the 'Surface Property' in WWMT window (menu WW of 3DS > WWMT > WWMT) ?
If yes, how can i set none ? Maybe with the first entry (blank), if yes, it's done.

Quote from: wallworm on March 17, 2014, 12:27:57 PM
the correct $cdmaterials
What do you mean by correct $cdmaterials ? Is that a path like 'myproject/window_blue' ?

Quote from: wallworm on March 17, 2014, 12:27:57 PM
Now set the $surfaceproperty in this material
My model have a multi/sub-objects texture, composed by 3 standard textures with 3 pict.tga.
I think i found the right menu, for each standard textures, field 'Surface property', i've set it like :
flaps = Wood_Plank
body of window = Metal
ciment = Concrete

Finally, I don't find the good settings, my model have simply the last texture everywhere, i must miss something...

Thank you again for your answer.

edit :
Ok, i think i'm wrong with ID UVW. I haven't set any UVW ID, but i don't know how.


If you send me the file, I can give it a look. My email address is in the WWMT zip file readme.

To properly send, click File > Save As > Archive and send me the ZIP file. This function will package all assets (like the bitmaps and the Max file).


Hi, thank you, i have send you my files. So, thank you to make a look, and explain me with few words where is my error.
I don't know how to assign Channel UV, and i think my problem is here.


The UV channels were fine in the file.

The problem was that all three Materials were named the same. Each Material needs a unique name. For example, I changed the names and re-exported the Materials and the Model. It then appeared fine in Model Viewer.

Note that the scale for this model is really large. Here are some tips for 3ds Max > Source Scale.

I will email the updated version that I saved.


Hi, thank you. Finally i remake the window from the beginning. It'll fix the problem of scale.
Remake and remake again, that's the way to learn ^^
I come back when all will done.

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