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Design Tools => Wall Worm News => Topic started by: wallworm on December 29, 2015, 01:11:53 PM

Title: Wall Worm 2.75 Released.
Post by: wallworm on December 29, 2015, 01:11:53 PM
Version 2.75 released on 12-28-2015

   * Displacements: Added new Black Mesa displacement shader. (http://dev.wallworm.com/document/191/displacement_alpha_blending.html) This new shader is still under development and was commissioned by Black Mesa. Black Mesa is sharing this new shader with the community as it's being developed. This shader has blendmodulate and some other settings like ssbump settings. This shader still has some issues but may be useful for WW users needing to visualize blendmodulation. Only works in Max 2015+ with Nitrous DX11 viewport.
   * Settings: Added new Displacement Shader setting. (http://dev.wallworm.com/document/191/displacement_alpha_blending.html) You can now choose one of three settings: **Native** (required for versions of Max prior to Max 2014) which uses either the StandardFX (Max 2014+) or blend_dxsas.fx (older versions of Max); **blend_dxsas11_nitrous** for an updated version of blend_dxsas that works in Max 2014+; and **Black Mesa**, which is the new shader being developed for Black Mesa projects.
   * VMF Exporter: Fixed bugs when saving a new preset that caused all presets to go missing. If your presets are empty see the new tool below.
   * Check For Problems: Added new checkbox in the Purge Utilities floater that will delete/reset the VMF Presets to the default in WW. This can solve problems if your Preset file was corrupt.

   * VMF Importer: Updated the prop import function in the VMF importer to be smarter about looking for QC files related to props. Increases the speed at which props are imported into a VMF .
   * VMF Importer: Fixed a bug that could lock Max when importing props from scene entities.
   * VMT Importer: Fixed material name cleanup with some materials derived from paths that were previously excluded from the path lookup. This will remove most cases where a material's name is saved as an absolute path rather than a relative path.
   * VMT Importer: Updated file system lookup logic to no longer check invalid filesystem paths when doing automatic lookups.
   * Settings: Added new setting for Full Material Names. Applies to the WW SMD Exporter and WW Pro SMD/DMX Exporter. This setting affects the SMD and the QC. When on, an extra line in QC for $cdmaterials is added and SMDS get the full material path name instead of just the filename. The default is OFF.
   * VMT Exporter: Added support for models to export to full paths instead of requiring the model to export of the $cdmaterials in the material to be set. This is based off the global setting in WW.
   * SMD Importer: Updated the SMD importer to import material names that were stored with full paths. This improves the likelihood of importing materials with more SMDs.