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Topics - joewa

Posting this here at Shawn's request:

I get what looks like about 90% of the way through generating a material library and throw this error:
"--Unable to convert: undefined to type: Integer" opens with this highlighted:

    if ((matchPattern theLine pattern:"*$phong*") == true) then (

addMat.shaderByName = "Phong"
matType = "model"
addMat.forModel = true

if ((matchPattern theLine pattern:"*$phongboost*") == true) then (
addMat.phongboost = val as float

if ((matchPattern theLine pattern:"*$phongexponent*") == true) then (
>>>THIS LINE HIGHLIGHTED addMat.phongexponent = val as float

if ((matchPattern theLine pattern:"*$phongfresnelranges*") == true) then (
addMat.phongfresnelranges = val as string



and F11 has this to say:

Welcome to MAXScript.

-- Error occurred in wallworm_generateMaterialFromVMT(); filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2013\scripts\\common\; position: 18417; line: 796
--  Frame:
--   modelColor: (color 155 155 0)
--   selfIllum: false
--   theLine: ""$phongexponenttexture" "truck/truckspec""
--   vmt: "F:\Steam\steamapps\SourceMods\ShotgunSunrise_dev\materials\truck\Truck.vmt"
--   dispColor: (color 0 155 0)
--   selfIllumName: ""
--   kwvars: undefined
--   dispColor2: (color 155 155 155)
--   extraRootPaths: undefined
--   nocull: false
--   theVMT: <File:F:\Steam\steamapps\SourceMods\ShotgunSunrise_dev\materials\truck\Truck.vmt>
--   overWriteName: undefined
--   pos: undefined
--   rootPath: "F:\Steam\steamapps\SourceMods\ShotgunSunrise_dev\materials"
--   color1: undefined
--   addMat: truck/Truck:Standard
--   val: "truck/truckspec"
--   displayMat: undefined
--   diffuseName: "truck/Truck"
--   c: undefined
--   theTex: #("F:\Steam\steamapps\SourceMods\ShotgunSunrise_dev\materials\\truck/TruckEnv.tga", true)
--   dName: undefined
--   envmapmask: "truck/TruckEnv"
--   param: "$phongexponenttexture"
--   bumpName: "truck/trucknormal"
--   op: undefined
--   blendV: Vertex_Color:Vertex Color
--   CanClose: true
--   ambientocclusionName: undefined
--   displayMatnameB: undefined
--   opacityName: ""
--   color2: undefined
--   mp2: Standardmaterial:Standard
--   displayMatname: undefined
--   addMatB: Blend:Blend
--   tex1: "F:\Steam\steamapps\SourceMods\ShotgunSunrise_dev\materials\\truck/TruckEnv.tga"
--   matType: "model"
--   useMat: true
--   oldm1: undefined
--   lineNum: 16
--   lineArray: #(""$phongexponenttexture"", ""truck/truckspec"")
--   tex2: undefined
--   brushColor: (color 155 155 155)
--   extraPath: undefined
--   isTranslucent: false
--   maxfogdensityscalar: undefined
--   called in vmt loop; filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2013\scripts\\common\; position: 2963; line: 134
--  Frame:
--   vmt: "F:\Steam\steamapps\SourceMods\ShotgunSunrise_dev\materials\truck\Truck.vmt"
--   mat: undefined
--   useMat: undefined
--   called in wwmt_ceate_material_library(); filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2013\scripts\\common\; position: 4443; line: 204
--  Frame:
--   fileFilter: "*"
--   count: 433
--   total: 468
--   recurse: false
--   project: "SGSR"
--   br: true
--   bl: true
--   oneLibrary: true
--   folderFilter: "*"
--   BrushMaterials: undefined
--   mdl: true
--   ModelMaterials: undefined
--   matContinue: undefined
--   BlendMaterials: undefined
--   message: undefined
--   p: "F:\Steam\steamapps\SourceMods\ShotgunSunrise_dev\materials"
--   AllMaterials: #materialLibrary()
--   called in btnGenerate.pressed(); filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2013\scripts\\common\; position: 11288; line: 397
--  Frame:
--   errors: #()
--   message: undefined
>> MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception:
-- Unable to convert: undefined to type: Integer <<

When importing a VMF - seemingly any VMF - I get this:
"Error parsing VMF attempt 1:-- Unknown system exception

Will attempt another 1 times..."
"Error parsing VMF attempt 2:-- Unknown system exception

Will attempt another 0 times..."
There is a common problem with parsing VMF files that causes an *unknown system exception*. This error seems to be random and may be due to a memory buffer overflow in Max.

Wall Worm defaults to trying 20 times to parse a VMF, but you can set this to your own preference.

If you get this failure, try running the import again and/or setting the retry limit higher. Repeated attempts will likely succeed eventually.

It does eventually succeed if I put retry on 999 and leave it overnight.
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