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I unfroze the UI how you explained how to do it and the issues still persist. Sorry I forgot to mention that.

I will email a zip of the scene to you asap.
This error does come back everytime I restart 3ds max and then the moment I try to click 'Export scene as game level' for the first time that runtime error appears.
Every other time I try to click on 'Export scene as game level' on the 'Wall Worm VMF Exporter Window 2.62' it simply doesn't respond to any of my inputs.

Also when I change a tick box or if I change a value it will change. For example, the in PAK assets tickbox will change, and Sun spread will change to any value I choose it to be. However the windows system sounds charm jingles every time. This sound cues no matter what I click in the VMF exporter window and it only stops when I reset 3ds max.
Just to let you know the bug fix worked like a charm and I actually got a playtest going last night on csgo!

After the test though I realized that my level files and folders are a mess so I was changing the file path that I export the scene too, but I got a runtime error.

Runtime error: FileStream cannot create: C:\Users\-my user-\Dropbox\Level Design\source_engine_assets\csgo\levels\de_tube_ww\\lession_ww.bat

The 'de_tube_ww' folder doesn't exist in that path anymore, it's now 'lession_ww' as the folder name.
It won't let me export to this new folder path unless I rename that folder back to 'de_tube_ww' otherwise I get this runtime error and other error logs located below. (The entire error log)

I don't know if there is a simple way to fix this. I tried changing the project path and reinstalling wallworm into 3ds max, but I get this issue consistently.

I don't know if this type of issue calls for another thread to be created so that this issue is more noticeable.
Sorry if I didn't post this issue is the right place.

But otherwise,

Thank you again
Hello everyone,

I've been recently dabbling with Wallworm and the Wallworm Lession Videos on the Youtube channel. I made a simple room like explained in those videos along with hint/skip brushes optimizing the already simple map. Also, by using Anvil, i've tagged all of the world geometry as brushes, so that the bsp, vis, and rad compilers can recognize what's the world geometry to seal the map properly.
Finally I've added an light_environment and info_player_t/ct entities just to have light and be in the level after the compilation. (Pictures include in the post's attachments of the 3ds max scene)

And yes the scene is covered in just nodraw and skybox textures. I just wanted to see if the compiler would work and planned on just using the mat_wireframe command to navigate through the level after the fact.

However every time I export the map issues arise from the moment right after getting the prompt to overwrite the vmf file that's in my level directory.

  • An Object called Object00X is created every time I export the scene to a vmf. These object can build up when I continually export the vmf. I have no idea why this is generated after the export to vmf feature completes.
  • Long error exception handler messages appears in the maxscript listener. I have included both of these error messages in the links below. One error message includes me exporting everything and other error message when exporting just the world geometry, the lights (the one light_environment), and the hidden objects (whatever these may be).
  • A quick glance at the vmf file show me that world geometry isn't included in the level. Even when I open the vmf in hammer the level is empty. I have tagged the objects in my scene properly as world geometry using Anvil. I don't know why they aren't being included in the vmf. I even have world geometry included in the export. I however don't have brush entities included, but these should just be for func_details and func_brushes, no?
  • After exporting I cannot select any objects in the scene until I restart 3ds max. (error_log_alloptions) (this error log is very long, but it repeats for each entity that's in my scene which is a total of five) (error_log_brushesonly)

Sorry if these issues seem trivial. 3ds Max is fairly new to me and I thought that putting in time would prove to show a solution, but I haven't been able to find one yet.
I am ready to provide more information to get this issue resolved as soon as possible. I just wanna make awesome level with Wallworm already!


P.S. I don't know if the recent bug fix for Wallworm was supposed to fix my issues. Should I try to download the most recent version of wallworm?
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