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Messages - Joris Ceoen

Quote from: Lopunny on February 12, 2016, 06:52:58 PM
I have been trying to look for tutorials about this subject, but I can't seem find a good tutorial on this topic. I have asked Facepunch about this topic, but they didn't really help me that much. So I have tried to using wallworm model tools to make a collision mesh, but all it was to pretty much clump the collision mesh and I am confused on what to do next.
For a model this tiny, it is unnecessary to have such a complex collision mesh. Just one cylindrical stick would be enough, resulting in only one geometry for the collision and allowing the game to have much less overhead on calculating the impacts on the collision. From the image it looks like you have tons of little chunks that are completely irrelevant to the overall shape of you staff.
Old School Contests / Re: OLD SCHOOLERS #1
February 12, 2016, 01:30:09 PM
Quote from: wallworm on February 11, 2016, 10:08:10 AM
Uh oh, boys-n-girls... remember Joris has won a couple Gamebanana contests. Now you got your work cut out. Of course, I'm not sure Joris has ever had the occasion to make a level with no models yet!
Haha, well I never thought about making a level entirely from brushes ever. As you know, my first map ever was to test out modeling and ever since I couldn't ever think of designing solely based off of brushes (who would, honestly?). It's interesting to bend my mind around these limitations, hopefully I'll come up with something decent, although I can't promise it will be on-par to what other people could do with only this. If anything, I guess someone with a lot of experience in 1.6 will have more comfort in this (because there it was almost only brushes if I recall correctly).

Quote from: warmeup on February 12, 2016, 06:22:10 AM
Yes you're right I was over thinking, and spending so much time detailing brushes to look close to models by working on modular assets etc.
To be honest, I think that the most important element when only using brushes is to put the detail in the texturing. Overdoing the geometry will result in poor performance and it just couldn't tip to the geometrical freedom in a model.
Old School Contests / Re: OLD SCHOOLERS #1
February 11, 2016, 03:17:51 AM
I'm in as well  8)
It's about high time I get my ass moving on my entry. Mine will probably be not all that 'great' in the detailed sense, but hopefully the gameplay will be on par.  :D
Wall Worm News / Re: More AFK
January 19, 2016, 04:06:40 AM
Well I have been especially AFK for the last week in the uprising of my newest review workouts, but I do have time to scan the forums this week for anyone who would be in trouble (especially related to model- or level design). For the more programmatical stuff people could consult Gully I suppose  ;D
Wow, fantastic first price! This will definitly make me want to bring something good on the table  ;D

Edit: BTW is it possible to make a list of entrants? Like, registering people who are confirming to join in with an entry so we can have a good idea of who is joining and how many entries could appear  :)
no models, no displacements. How about decals/overlays and sprites?
Interesting. Let me think of something to go with, and I'll make an entry for the contest :) this is the perfect trigger!
This is pretty cool! Was all of this made inside 3DS Max, or just the models?
Commercial Tools / Re: WW Pro Registration problems
December 27, 2015, 07:54:05 AM
Which Firewall do you have? Usually (like in AVG, for example) you can turn off complete firewall protection for like 15mins, or just for the time needed for registration. It should be possible with every firewall I know of, even Defender from Windows.
WWMT Questions / Re: [SOLVED] Physics Mesh Issue
December 18, 2015, 05:28:05 AM
Ok, nice. Well, honestly I have never seen that export doc, ever. I always use the Wall Worm Model Tools rollout which assign a helper to the model in the scene, and is very useful to work with. As for giving a last suggestion: Those collision joints look pretty expensive for a ragdoll, if I were you I would consider optimising them so they are approximatically the same size as each element of the model that you want to have solid, using far fewer polygons and possibly causing less overhead.
WWMT Questions / Re: Physics Mesh Issue
December 17, 2015, 02:12:48 PM
Maybe I can kick in to help you. So, if I understand correctly, you are having an issue with the collision model, is that correct? I can't really understand whether you have a problem on IMPORT or on EXPORT. Can you please clarify?

Also, it would be nice if you could share us a screenshot of the settings you're using on the Wall Worm Model Tools for this specific model to export it.
Are you using the Wall Worm Pro exporter? If yes, then for playermodels, I suggest you utilise the Wall Worm SMD exporter/importer option instead, I had perfect results with that exporter rather than the Pro one (which is better overall, especially for things made from scratch in 3DS Max, but for importing and exporting again, the WW one is better, albeit slower). About the deforming arms, it's normal, in T-pose they are like that even in HLMV.

What you want to do is:

  • Decompile any playermodel with Crowbar, KEEP the decompiled .qc and all its values.
  • In Wall Worm, import the .qc when it is imported, just hide all the attachements and stuff you don't need to see visually. Make sure to keep the wwmt helper unhidden.
  • Open the Wall Worm Model Tools rollout and click the wwmt helper that is assigned to the model (it comes automatically on import).
  • Simply export the SMD's and .qc in the folders you like. Once this is done (can take a few mins) make sure to hit LOCK .QC in the Wall Worm Model Tools rollout. This is very important!
  • Now, browse to the folder where the newly created smd and qc files are stored. Once found, replace all the smd's with the DECOMPILED ones, make sure they have the same name.
  • Keep the new .qc (don't overwrite that one with the old one) but open it and copy/paste all the contents of the OLD qc INTO the NEW qc. It is important however to change the mdl name and smd paths to the current location, as they will not be correct in the old qc values that you have just pasted in the new one.
  • If there were animation folders from the decompiled model, make sure to also put them into the location of the smd's that Wall Worm searches for.

Once you have done this entire process, you should end up with exactly the same model as it was before import, without problems or deforming vertices. If you want to add changes instead, like custom textures and custom mesh etc... you can do that now. You're gonna overwrite the old smd's anyways, so if your goal is to not simply export and re-export to port models over to another mod, simply ignore the smd replacement steps, but keep the .qc locked. Hopefully this was helpful and not too complicated, I'm not the best when it comes to quickly explaining processes in steps  :-[
WWMT Questions / Re: concave Collision model trouble.
December 06, 2015, 10:11:45 AM
For the error, yea it should happen as soon as you try to display the vcollide wireframe.
For the lighting, I'm pretty sure there is not way to equalise the lighting between static and dynamic props. They're just different, period :(
WWMT Questions / Re: concave Collision model trouble.
December 05, 2015, 01:01:57 PM
I have experienced similar crashing issues when viewing complicated collision models. I would advise you to make all the chunks non-solid, if that's possible, because there is hardly much use for them to be solid, unless the player absolutely needs to go there. Valve has never had such complicated operations in their games with each little gib being solid (just look at Episode Two), and there's a reason for that.

Does it only crash when you enable the command, or does it simply crash when the animation happens?
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