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Messages - jjunkers87

Source Games & Mods / Recent Start of Mod X
April 06, 2012, 02:41:48 AM
Hey guys I've put together a small group of friends and we've been creating some assets like models and textures.  The storyline is still unclear and will be changed/added upon as time progresses.  I'm just doing a call out to anyone who might be interested in assisting us in the process of the creation of the mod.  If anyone is interested in helping, feel free to send me an email at and I'll send you what I would need like furniture, crates, utility props and so on.  Credit will be given of course for the help if I use your work.

I have successfully imported multiple static models, but one of the many questions that still linger is the how-to on importing actual made weapons.  For example,  I've de-compiled the mp7 submachine gun, remodeled it, but have failed on re-importing it as it does not show up in game.  I was wondering if anyone could help me out that process?  I've tried and attempted many tutorials but found that they are too out of date to help a new guy like myself.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,


General Discussion / Re: Models
March 26, 2012, 05:28:47 AM
*Bringing back a dead thread*

When you wanted models, what kind of models are looking for, and for what purpose/game??
That totally worked, thank you.

However, a have a problem with the object not being solid now.  Any ideas??

I added the collision, clicked static prop, checked auto hull.. hmmmmm

This plug-in is awesome, I can't thank you enough for it. 
WWMT Questions / Multiple Texture Sheets to 1 Model?
March 02, 2012, 10:27:01 PM

I have been downloading numerous mods and have been looking at their work in the model/material folders to see how they structured them.  I have seen for example, trees, bushes and shrubs have 2 or 3 texture sheets.  I was assuming you could only have one, but apparently you can have more?  How would I go about applying multiple texture sheets to one model?? 

I downloaded this free tree pack here > < and the models/textures are very awesome, but the bark and leaves are on two different sheets.  Can you guys give any suggestion as to how to use them??


WWMT Questions / Re: Transparency Textures Not Working?
February 24, 2012, 12:18:40 AM
Okay so to answer my own question....

it didn't add the transparency for some reason in the .vmt file.

"$alphatest" 1

was missing... so taa-daaa ...

Thanks for the help though ! 

Will be posting our work this week!
WWMT Questions / Re: Transparency Textures Not Working?
February 23, 2012, 11:39:46 PM
We make our models in Maya and they look exactly the way we want them to, then export as obj with the texture, and then this happens... I've made crates and barrels and other basic objects.  I'm trying to get bushes into the game now.

When I transfer them over they are NOT transparent, they hold the basic white background and that's where I get stuck... not sure what reason it would have to make a 32 bit .tga file none transparent.
WWMT Questions / Transparency Textures Not Working?
February 23, 2012, 11:23:21 PM
Hey guys,

(I swear I posted this but I didn't see it after I hit enter)

The problem I'm having is the texture (.tga format) is not transparent, and I have no idea why.  When I view it in the perspective view it's all a bunch of a while and green leafs (trying to get a bush going).  Any ideas as to why this is happening and how to fix it?


WWMT Questions / Re: Tri Count??
January 18, 2012, 03:04:21 PM
Right on, I'll keep that in mind.  I'll start posting some of our mod groups stuff in the models section soon to liven up the place haha.
WWMT Questions / Tri Count??
January 07, 2012, 02:57:03 AM
Hey guys,

Now that I can start modeling with Maya, I have gotten a group of people together of about 8 and we're creating content for a mod now.  My question is, what is the max count of tris I should have on an object??  I don't want the game to start chopping up, and I know "the fewer the better" but I was wondering if there was a magic number cut off point?


WWMT Questions / Re: Using Maya then 3ds Max?
January 03, 2012, 05:59:20 AM
Yeah thanks again Kevin you definitely made it a less painful experience!1 I'll be posting my work throughout the year for my own mini mod I'm creating :D

Thanks again
WWMT Questions / Re: Using Maya then 3ds Max?
December 24, 2011, 01:25:39 AM
Any ideas if that would work??

Taking a UV made in Maya, using it in 3ds Max as it's texture??

WWMT Questions / Re: Using Maya then 3ds Max?
December 18, 2011, 06:42:28 PM
Thanks for the speedy reply.  :)

I'm not that experienced with Maya to know enough about normals, what they are and how to use em.  I was sorta hoping there would be an easier way of understand of what I was reading the forum you provided haha.  I'll just keep chipping away at the texture problem.  Maybe I'll try to apply the texture manually in 3ds from the UV made in Maya, would that work??  Haha, once again sorry - I know how to model and use basic textures in Maya.  :-\
WWMT Questions / Using Maya then 3ds Max?
December 18, 2011, 05:53:42 PM

I was wondering if it is possible to use Maya to model and texture something, import it to 3ds Max then export it to source??  So far I have exported the model successfully, but the texture is still pink and black in the model viewer grrr so close!!  I really don't want to learn 3ds Max if I can avoid it.

Thanks for any help,

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