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Messages - Ady

WWMT Questions / Re: B2M setup
March 06, 2017, 08:44:38 PM
ok, will try your suggestions and let ya know what happens. Thank you for replying.
WWMT Questions / Re: B2M setup
March 06, 2017, 05:30:59 PM
All it says in max listener is this below. I assume it says it 6 times as there are 6 textures. I am using wallworm pro 3.034

Substance error in g_ReadPackageFile, can't load .sbsrarSubstance error in g_ReadPackageFile, can't load .sbsrarSubstance error in g_ReadPackageFile, can't load .sbsrarSubstance error in g_ReadPackageFile, can't load .sbsrarSubstance error in g_ReadPackageFile, can't load .sbsrarSubstance error in g_ReadPackageFile, can't load .sbsrar
WWMT Questions / B2M setup
March 06, 2017, 08:57:59 AM
Hi, I have a quick question about the bitmap2material setup and how to get it to work.
I noticed in your blended mapping video that the path to b2m is set to your Autodesk folder where as b2m installed itself to program files\Allegorithmic on my pc.
Is there something I haven't done right as I cannot find the .sbsar file anywhere in the 3ds max folders, only in the Allegorithmic, data folder. Setting the path to this causes an error about b2m not being installed. I hope I have explained well enough and that you can point me in the right direction.

Static Props / Re: Selection of My Models
December 15, 2015, 10:07:15 AM
Thanks for the tips, I will go into max and try them out. I find texturing harder to do than the modeling to be honest but practice makes perfect I hear.

The warehouse is a WIP as I want to add a few details like extraction fans and such, hopefully they may aid in hiding the repetition of the bricks  :)
Static Props / Re: Selection of My Models
December 15, 2015, 06:49:17 AM
and three more  :)
Static Props / Selection of My Models
December 15, 2015, 06:48:04 AM
Hi, I thought it was about time to show a few of my models and get some constructive criticism. This is the first time anyone other than me has seen them so I am a bit nervous  :)

Hope you like them ....
Bug Reports / Re: Problems with Hull in export
December 14, 2015, 05:56:57 PM
Thank you Shawn, that has fixed it. The model and hull exported perfectly in about 2 seconds flat.

You are a gentleman and a scholar.

Keep up the amazing job on WWMT  :)
Bug Reports / Re: Problems with Hull in export
December 14, 2015, 04:36:13 PM
yes of course. Sorry, have been out all day. Here is the log you asked for.

"** The exisitng QC was over-written. If you do not want to overwrite existing QCs, turn off QC Over-writing in the WWMT Settings or lock the QC with the Lock QC option.

-- Error occurred in V loop; filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\scripts\\common\mse\wallwormSMD.mse; position: 86628; line: 2443
--  Defined in encrypted script
--   called in f loop; filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\scripts\\common\mse\wallwormSMD.mse; position: 87774; line: 2481
--  Defined in encrypted script
--   called in ob loop; filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\scripts\\common\mse\wallwormSMD.mse; position: 87898; line: 2484
--  Defined in encrypted script
--   called in outputTriangles(); filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\scripts\\common\mse\wallwormSMD.mse; position: 88066; line: 2490
--  Defined in encrypted script
--   called in outputSMD(); filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\scripts\\common\mse\wallwormSMD.mse; position: 98997; line: 2836
--  Defined in encrypted script
--   called in exportSMD(); filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\scripts\\common\mse\wallwormSMD.mse; position: 100658; line: 2903
--  Defined in encrypted script
--   called in exportSMDS(); filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\scripts\\WallWormModelTools\; position: 102064; line: 3647
--  Frame:
--   bt: undefined
--   resetBnArray: true
--   runCompile: true
--   theClasses: undefined
--   noPlugWrite: false
--   WBSMDExportVersionNum: undefined
--   status: undefined
--   WBSMDExport: undefined
--   SMDExporter: undefined
--   res: undefined
--   expBody: true
--   wwDir: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead 2\sdk_content\modelsrc\custom_props\warehouse_01"
--   s: undefined
--   gameInfoParam: undefined
--   expSeq: true
--   failed: 0
--   useOldWBS: true
--   smd: (wallwormSMD exporterVersion:1.84 type:"Reference" outtype:"smd" fps:30 hl1:false dmxFormat:18 flexnamelist:#() kvVersion:1 dmxflex:false uvwchannel:1 range:#(0) referenceFrame:0 nodeList:#() justBones:#($warehouse_01) smdNodes:#((wallwormSMDNode id:0 parentID:-1 object:$warehouse_01 sysboneid:undefined guid:undefined transformid:undefined states:#() controllers:#() children:#() hasSkin:false triangleId:0 parentSMDNode:undefined normalStore:#() isGeometry:false initialTransform:undefined meshid:"846bf461-f5d6-4c96-b39a-6c0bb8bebe36" isAttachment:false), (wallwormSMDNode id:1 parentID:-1 object:$Object001 sysboneid:undefined guid:undefined transformid:undefined states:#() controllers:#() children:#() hasSkin:false triangleId:0 parentSMDNode:undefined normalStore:#() isGeometry:true initialTransform:undefined meshid:"dbbeac5c-269a-4058-9304-5247c8fde2ac" isAttachment:false)) boneweights:true errors:#() theFile:StringStream:"//Reference File generated by the Wall Worm SMD Exporter 1.84
version 1
0 "warehouse_01" -1
time 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 -1.5708
" nonRenderableAsBone:false refNode:$warehouse_01 ORIGIN:true staticprop:true refSystem:(matrix3 [0,1,0] [-1,0,0] [0,0,1] [3.05176e-005,-1.52588e-005,0]) refSystemBones:undefined offsetFaces:false flip:false lockInitialOrigin:false initialReFSystem:undefined normalMethod:3 internalOrigin:true rotateRefsystem:false localOriginPositionOnly:false meshopgetMapVert:getMapVert() meshopgetMapFace:getMapFace() meshopgetfaceRnormals:getFaceRNormals() meshopgetVert:getVert() meshopGetMapSupport:getMapSupport() meshopgetNumMapFaces:getNumMapFaces() collapsemesh:false collapsetoParent:true limitBones:#() smdHelper:dotNetObject:WallWorm.Helpers.SMDHelper usePro:false debug:false sequenceName:"Sequence" highestBoneCount:1 attachments:#() UpAxis:3)
--   theRealHullCount: undefined
--   expHull: true
--   expLOD: true
--   mp: "custom_props\warehouse_01"
--   explist: #($warehouse_01, $Object001, <Deleted scene node>, $warehouse_01)
--   morphObjs: #()
--   exportSMD: undefined
--   justBonesT: #($warehouse_01)
--   expVTA: true
--   expModels: true
--   makeSMDs: true
--   fname: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead 2\sdk_content\modelsrc\custom_props\warehouse_01\warehouse_01_hull.smd"
--   spath: undefined
--   justBones: #($warehouse_01)
--   folderOpen: undefined
--   exportNotice: StringStream:"# Target Model Exported to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead 2\sdk_content\modelsrc\custom_props\warehouse_01\warehouse_01.smd
--   tempRefNode: $warehouse_01
--   exportNonRenderableMeshAsBone: false
--   hl1: 0
--   mainbonelist: #()
--   justBonesH: #($warehouse_01)
--   compileBatStr: undefined
--   meshAndBones: #($warehouse_01)
--   fileExt: ".smd"
--   maxLen: undefined
--   allboneNodes: #($warehouse_01)
--   newBatch: undefined
--   shouldUpdateSMDExporter: false
--   called in outputModelQC(); filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\scripts\\WallWormModelTools\; position: 160551; line: 5277
--  Frame:
--   resetExportList: true
--   calcpost: undefined
--   massPos: undefined
--   hboxes: undefined
--   out: true
--   mfp: "C:\Users\Ady\Documents\3dsMax\scenes\Source Props\"
--   fr: undefined
--   message: undefined
--   idleSeq: undefined
--   tempSegList: undefined
--   gibsText: undefined
--   runCompile: true
--   hbArrs: undefined
--   errors: #()
--   wwDir: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead 2\sdk_content\modelsrc\custom_props\warehouse_01"
--   xval: undefined
--   particleData: #()
--   theRealHullCount: 3
--   hasPutRoot: undefined
--   otherSkins: undefined
--   QCExists: true
--   flammables: undefined
--   theHitBoxes: undefined
--   writeSMDs: true
--   m: "custom_props\warehouse_01"
--   mp: "custom_props/warehouse_01"
--   doWriteQC: true
--   morphObjs: #()
--   bodygroupNum: 1
--   particleEvents: #()
--   forceBoneReset: true
--   illumPos: undefined
--   useJointConsrains: undefined
--   zRotationVal: undefined
--   eyeposition: undefined
--   cmtype: "$collisionmodel"
--   smdInQCfileExt: ".smd"
--   exportNotice: "** The exisitng QC was over-written. If you do not want to overwrite existing QCs, turn off QC Over-writing in the WWMT Settings or lock the QC with the Lock QC option.

--   fullpath: undefined
--   hbsets: undefined
--   yval: undefined
--   matP: "custom_props/warehouse_01"
--   alreadyUsedSeq: undefined
--   missinguvw: #()
--   mfn: "building_warehouse_01.max"
--   t: ""
--   ShadowLODID: undefined
--   fileExt: ".smd"
--   eyepos: undefined
--   theLods: undefined
--   sortSequences: undefined
--   allboneNodes: #($warehouse_01)
--   NewQC: <File:C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead 2\sdk_content\modelsrc\custom_props\warehouse_01\warehouse_01.qc>
--   hboxobjs: undefined
--   finalbonearray: undefined
--   canWriteQC: true
--   called in runExport.pressed(); filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\scripts\\WallWormModelTools\; position: 50616; line: 1222
--  Frame:
--   ers: #()
--   message: undefined
>> MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception:
-- Unable to convert: (matrix3 [1,0,0] [0,1,0] [0,0,1] [0,0,0]) to type: Point2 <<
Bug Reports / Problems with Hull in export
December 14, 2015, 05:12:24 AM
Hi there,
Since the last update, I am having problems exporting the hulls in my models.
I get this max script error

--Unable to convert: (matrix3[1,0,0][0,1,0][0,0,1][0,0,0]) to type: Point2

I have tried exporting just the model with complete success but as soon as i add the collision hull (26 max pieces), it fails. I have tried exporting with just 1 hull mush (a square box) and still it gives me the error.

I have WallWorm Pro and have tried both exporters and no luck. I have also uninstalled and manually reinstalled WWMT Pro with no success. I have exported quite a few models without ever seeing this message before so I know what I am doing (I think  :))

Hope you can help, thanks.


wwmt pro, max 2016, windows 10 pro x64, nvidia GTX 560.
Materials and Textures / Re: VTF Exporter Problems :(
February 14, 2015, 05:40:23 PM
Whatever you did in the update seems to have worked. The first model I tried exported, with textures, perfectly. You are a true gentleman and I thank you. Maybe I will post some of my models on here when I feel a bit more confident  :)

Thanks again,

Materials and Textures / Re: VTF Exporter Problems :(
February 14, 2015, 05:16:12 PM
Ok, thank you for your quick replies and possible fix. Will send you the files and zipped folders before i repair them so as you can have a butchers.

Thank you for all your hard work you put into these amazing tools  :)

Materials and Textures / Re: VTF Exporter Problems :(
February 14, 2015, 01:49:38 PM
OK. I have finally found a way to export a model with its textures ... YAY !!

When in the material editor, I have to rename the imported bitmap to   custom_props/*whatever model name is*   , instead of just a name like     metal_frame

I then have to go to the materialsrc folder and delete the first .tga in the materials name. This is because the tgas are double tagged.
eg - wall.tga   becomes wall.tga.tga   so I have to delete the text in bold

Running the bat file seems to then work like a charm.

I hope you understand what I am babbling about and if it is a small bug, that it may help you track it down.

Materials and Textures / Re: VTF Exporter Problems :(
February 14, 2015, 12:10:01 PM
It seems everything is already in the right place so i will delete the wallworm folder and replace it with a version I will download directly from your site. I will let you know if anything changes>

I will take some screenies from the error massages if it persists.
Materials and Textures / Re: VTF Exporter Problems :(
February 14, 2015, 11:59:54 AM
Thanks for the reply and have done what you asked, and the update utility says I have the correct version. Problem still remains. To do a complete fresh install of WW, is it just the wallworm folder in the scripts folder i have to delete or is there something else I need to bin to as each version remembers my settings.

Thanks in advance,

Materials and Textures / VTF Exporter Problems :(
February 14, 2015, 09:14:51 AM
Hello  :)

I seem to be having a few problems with the VTF Exporter in WWMT and cannot for the life of me seem to sort it out. I am using Wallworm version 2.522 which i think is the latest, on windows 7 ultimate with an Nvidia gtx 560 with latest drivers. I am exporting models for L4D2.

Problems I have  :(

1 - the tga files being exported into the materialsrc folder are being named with an extra .tga extension so look like this - examplepic.tga.tga

2 - the bat files that are generated on export with the tga's are being placed in their own separate folders outside of the intended folder even if i do click the button that sets the models material path in the exporter.

3 - I have two different error messages that appear in a DOS window when I try running the bat files.
these are either that the target file is not recognised as a valid tga or psd file or that the exporter cannot find the specified file.

I hope I have explained things clearly enough for you, if not, just ask and I will do my best to help out.
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