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Topics - Katazuro

WWMT Questions / Actual Normals Issue
January 03, 2016, 09:44:40 PM
Hi Shawn,

Now that the importer seems to be running smoothly, I've noticed an issue with the exporter with models NOT decompiled.

Here's the situation: the model doesn't seem to capture light in-game or in-viewer and I'm really stumped because I've tried just about every method to see if this has to do with welding vertices or anything of the sort. I've narrowed this down to actual normals issues as illustrated above.

While exporting, I've tried all three options in the Normals dropdown with no real difference..

and even without bumpmaps applied, I recieve the same result:

WWMT Questions / Normal? Import/Export Errors?
December 13, 2015, 07:06:46 PM
Hi Shawn,

For the past year, the model importer has been working great (thanks for that bone display addition!). Recently, I installed the latest WWMT for the most up-to-date 3DS Max 2016 x64.

I have been experiencing an error that I cannot pinpoint as an importing or exporting error, I hope you can shed some light on what's going wrong.

I have been using Crowbar Model Decompiler to decompile this Half-Life 2 civilian to edit in Max.

This is a compile with the SMD straight from the decompiler.

This is a compile with the SMD imported and exported with WWMT in Max (no modifications!), seems to be same when exporting with Explicit Normals and Auto Normals.

Here are the raw SMDs and the WWMT exported versions.
WWMT Questions / Bone Rotation Confusion
February 08, 2015, 01:36:00 AM
I've had trouble overall with using the helper dummy bones that the SMD importer utilizes. I'm using a decompiled HL2 human biped skeleton and have had no issues fitting the skeleton to a new mesh, but I've hit a wall when it came to fitting the fingers to the skeleton.

I want to rotate the main finger bone (Finger0) so that it "reaches" in a different direction but retain its distance from the hand bone:

But when I go to do this, it rotates the desired bone in a strange manner:

Ideally I want it to rotate the way the move tool does it, but it moves the entire bone hand hierarchy:

tl;dr I am very confused on how to get the desired effect that rotating standard 3ds max bones have:
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