Wall Worm Forums

Design Tools => Materials and Textures => Topic started by: MASSIVELIVEFUN on July 13, 2016, 09:05:12 PM

Title: Material Libraries Keeps Forgetting Paths to Vtf Files
Post by: MASSIVELIVEFUN on July 13, 2016, 09:05:12 PM
-- MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception:
-- Runtime error: Error opening bitmap: F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials\dev\dev_measuregeneric01b.vtf
-- MAXScript callstack:
-- thread data: threadID:9352
-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- [stack level: 0]
-- In wallworm_generateMaterialFromVMT(); filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2017\scripts\WallWorm.com\common\matgenfuncs.ms; position: 40676; line: 1152
-- Parameters:
-- vmt: "F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials\dev\dev_blendmeasure.vmt"
-- addMat: undefined
-- matType: "brush"
-- brushColor: (color 155 155 155)
-- modelColor: (color 155 155 0)
-- dispColor: (color 0 155 0)
-- dispColor2: (color 155 155 155)
-- decalColor: (color 0 0 0)
-- extraPath: undefined
-- overWriteName: undefined
-- rootPath: "F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials"
-- extraRootPaths: undefined
-- forceMaxScript: true
-- materialPaths: undefined
-- Locals:
-- addMatB: dev/dev_blendmeasure:Blend
-- cp: undefined
-- displayMatdiffuseMapBM: undefined
-- useMat: true
-- color2: undefined
-- makeNewMats: true
-- c: undefined
-- overWriteName: undefined
-- param: "$basetexture"
-- maxfogdensityscalar: undefined
-- oldsilentmode: true
-- opacityName: ""
-- theTex: #("F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials\dev/dev_measuregeneric01b.vtf", true)
-- displayMatnameB: undefined
-- brushColor: (color 155 155 155)
-- transforms1: undefined
-- transforms2: undefined
-- bumpName: ""
-- nocull: false
-- tex2: undefined
-- forceMaxScript: true
-- op: undefined
-- modelColor: (color 155 155 0)
-- SubRectSize: undefined
-- tex1: "F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials\dev/dev_measuregeneric01b.vtf"
-- envmapmask: undefined
-- bmHeight: undefined
-- d: undefined
-- decalColor: (color 0 0 0)
-- SubRectPos: undefined
-- val: "dev/dev_measuregeneric01b"
-- phongexponenttextureName: undefined
-- displayMat: undefined
-- selfIllumName: ""
-- addMatC: undefined
-- addMatD: undefined
-- multiblendmat: undefined
-- frx: undefined
-- fry: undefined
-- frz: undefined
-- kwvars: undefined
-- materialPaths: undefined
-- dName: undefined
-- coords: undefined
-- vmt: "F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials\dev\dev_blendmeasure.vmt"
-- diffuseName: "dev/dev_measuregeneric01b"
-- selfIllum: false
-- normalmapalphaenvmapmask: undefined
-- normalmapalphaenvmapmask2: false
-- mp2: Standardmaterial:Standard
-- lineArray: #(""$basetexture"", ""dev/dev_measuregeneric01b"")
-- bmWidth: undefined
-- matType: "blend"
-- dispColor: (color 0 155 0)
-- extraPath: undefined
-- extraRootPaths: undefined
-- color1: undefined
-- tr: undefined
-- addMat: dev/dev_measuregeneric01b:Standard
-- dispColor2: (color 155 155 155)
-- rootPath: "F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials"
-- isTranslucent: false
-- ambientocclusionName: undefined
-- displayMatname: undefined
-- pos: undefined
-- vmtval: undefined
-- CanClose: true
-- allpathstocheck: #("F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials")
-- displayMatdiffuseMap: undefined
-- lineNum: 3
-- theVMT: <File:F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials\dev\dev_blendmeasure.vmt>
-- blendV: Vertex_Color:Vertex Color
-- theLine: ""$basetexture" "dev/dev_measuregeneric01b""
-- Externals:
-- wallworm_remove_last_slash: Global:wallworm_remove_last_slash : wallworm_remove_last_slash()
-- wallworm_BSToFS: Global:wallworm_BSToFS : wallworm_BSToFS()
-- owner: undefined
-- wallworm_safe_path: Global:wallworm_safe_path : wallworm_safe_path()
-- wallworm_get_color_from_string_arrays: Global:wallworm_get_color_from_string_arrays : wallworm_get_color_from_string_arrays()
-- wallworm_getBitmapFromPaths: Global:wallworm_getBitmapFromPaths : wallworm_getBitmapFromPaths()
-- wallworm_get_sourcematpaths: Global:wallworm_get_sourcematpaths : wallworm_get_sourcematpaths()
-- wallworm_remove_first_slash: Global:wallworm_remove_first_slash : wallworm_remove_first_slash()
-- wallworm_getValueVMTVal: Global:wallworm_getValueVMTVal : wallworm_getValueVMTVal()
-- wallworm_sanitize_texture_path: Global:wallworm_sanitize_texture_path : wallworm_sanitize_texture_path()
-- wallworm_texture_transform: Global:wallworm_texture_transform : StructDef:wallworm_texture_transform
-- wallworm_generateMaterialFromVMT: Global:wallworm_generateMaterialFromVMT : wallworm_generateMaterialFromVMT()
-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- [stack level: 1]
-- called from wallworm_vmt_loadMaterial(); filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2017\scripts\WallWorm.com\common\vmt_funcs.ms; position: 16036; line: 336
-- Parameters:
-- materialPath: "F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials\dev\dev_blendmeasure.vmt"
-- matType: "brush"
-- brushColor: (color 155 155 155)
-- modelColor: (color 155 155 0)
-- dispColor: (color 0 155 0)
-- dispColor2: (color 155 155 155)
-- decalColor: (color 255 0 0)
-- extraPath: undefined
-- overWriteName: undefined
-- rootPath: "F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials"
-- extraRootPaths: undefined
-- Locals:
-- VMaterialType: dotNetClass:WallWorm.Helpers.VMT.VMaterialType
-- aMat: dev/dev_blendmeasure:Standard
-- c: undefined
-- overWriteName: undefined
-- materialPath: "F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials\dev\dev_blendmeasure.vmt"
-- defaultColor: undefined
-- brushColor: (color 155 155 155)
-- dm: undefined
-- nb: undefined
-- modelColor: (color 155 155 0)
-- vmtHelper: dotNetClass:WallWorm.Helpers.VMTHelper
-- VMatCompileFlags: dotNetClass:WallWorm.Helpers.VMT.VMaterialCompileFlags
-- d: undefined
-- decalColor: (color 255 0 0)
-- dHasAlpha: undefined
-- VMatFlags: dotNetClass:WallWorm.Helpers.VMT.VMaterialFlags
-- vMat: dotNetObject:WallWorm.Helpers.VMT.VMaterial
-- vMatHasFlag: HasFlag()
-- matType: "brush"
-- dispColor: (color 0 155 0)
-- extraPath: undefined
-- extraRootPaths: undefined
-- vMatHasCompileFlag: HasFlag()
-- tr: undefined
-- dispColor2: (color 155 155 155)
-- rootPath: "F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials"
-- vMatMaterialType: dotNetObject:WallWorm.Helpers.VMT.VMaterialType
-- Externals:
-- owner: undefined
-- wallworm_texture_transform: Global:wallworm_texture_transform : StructDef:wallworm_texture_transform
-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- [stack level: 2]
-- called from wallworm_generateMaterialFromVMT(); filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2017\scripts\WallWorm.com\common\matgenfuncs.ms; position: 9499; line: 312
-- Parameters:
-- vmt: "F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials\dev\dev_blendmeasure.vmt"
-- addMat: undefined
-- matType: "brush"
-- brushColor: (color 155 155 155)
-- modelColor: (color 155 155 0)
-- dispColor: (color 0 155 0)
-- dispColor2: (color 155 155 155)
-- decalColor: (color 255 0 0)
-- extraPath: undefined
-- overWriteName: undefined
-- rootPath: "F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials"
-- extraRootPaths: undefined
-- forceMaxScript: false
-- materialPaths: undefined
-- Locals:
-- addMatB: undefined
-- cp: undefined
-- displayMatdiffuseMapBM: undefined
-- useMat: undefined
-- color2: undefined
-- makeNewMats: undefined
-- c: undefined
-- overWriteName: undefined
-- param: undefined
-- maxfogdensityscalar: undefined
-- oldsilentmode: false
-- opacityName: undefined
-- theTex: undefined
-- displayMatnameB: undefined
-- brushColor: (color 155 155 155)
-- transforms1: undefined
-- transforms2: undefined
-- bumpName: undefined
-- nocull: undefined
-- tex2: undefined
-- forceMaxScript: false
-- op: undefined
-- modelColor: (color 155 155 0)
-- SubRectSize: undefined
-- tex1: undefined
-- envmapmask: undefined
-- bmHeight: undefined
-- d: undefined
-- decalColor: (color 255 0 0)
-- SubRectPos: undefined
-- val: undefined
-- phongexponenttextureName: undefined
-- displayMat: undefined
-- selfIllumName: undefined
-- addMatC: undefined
-- addMatD: undefined
-- multiblendmat: undefined
-- frx: undefined
-- fry: undefined
-- frz: undefined
-- kwvars: undefined
-- materialPaths: undefined
-- dName: undefined
-- coords: undefined
-- vmt: "F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials\dev\dev_blendmeasure.vmt"
-- diffuseName: undefined
-- selfIllum: undefined
-- normalmapalphaenvmapmask: undefined
-- normalmapalphaenvmapmask2: undefined
-- mp2: undefined
-- lineArray: undefined
-- bmWidth: undefined
-- matType: "brush"
-- dispColor: (color 0 155 0)
-- extraPath: undefined
-- extraRootPaths: undefined
-- color1: undefined
-- tr: undefined
-- addMat: undefined
-- dispColor2: (color 155 155 155)
-- rootPath: "F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials"
-- isTranslucent: undefined
-- ambientocclusionName: undefined
-- displayMatname: undefined
-- pos: undefined
-- vmtval: undefined
-- CanClose: undefined
-- allpathstocheck: #("F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials")
-- displayMatdiffuseMap: undefined
-- lineNum: undefined
-- theVMT: undefined
-- blendV: undefined
-- theLine: undefined
-- Externals:
-- wallworm_remove_last_slash: Global:wallworm_remove_last_slash : wallworm_remove_last_slash()
-- wallworm_BSToFS: Global:wallworm_BSToFS : wallworm_BSToFS()
-- owner: undefined
-- wallworm_safe_path: Global:wallworm_safe_path : wallworm_safe_path()
-- wallworm_get_color_from_string_arrays: Global:wallworm_get_color_from_string_arrays : wallworm_get_color_from_string_arrays()
-- wallworm_getBitmapFromPaths: Global:wallworm_getBitmapFromPaths : wallworm_getBitmapFromPaths()
-- wallworm_get_sourcematpaths: Global:wallworm_get_sourcematpaths : wallworm_get_sourcematpaths()
-- wallworm_remove_first_slash: Global:wallworm_remove_first_slash : wallworm_remove_first_slash()
-- wallworm_getValueVMTVal: Global:wallworm_getValueVMTVal : wallworm_getValueVMTVal()
-- wallworm_sanitize_texture_path: Global:wallworm_sanitize_texture_path : wallworm_sanitize_texture_path()
-- wallworm_texture_transform: Global:wallworm_texture_transform : StructDef:wallworm_texture_transform
-- wallworm_generateMaterialFromVMT: Global:wallworm_generateMaterialFromVMT : wallworm_generateMaterialFromVMT()
-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- [stack level: 3]
-- called from vmt loop; filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2017\scripts\WallWorm.com\common\wwmt_material_library_generator.ms; position: 2384; line: 69
-- Parameters:
-- vmt: "F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials\dev\dev_blendmeasure.vmt"
-- Locals:
-- useMat: undefined
-- mat: undefined
-- vmt: "F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials\dev\dev_blendmeasure.vmt"
-- Externals:
-- AllMaterials: Free:AllMaterials : undefined
-- owner: undefined
-- BlendMaterials: Free:BlendMaterials : #materialLibrary()
-- DecalMaterials: Free:DecalMaterials : #materialLibrary()
-- ModelMaterials: Free:ModelMaterials : #materialLibrary()
-- wallwormMatGen: Global:wallwormMatGen : Rollout:wallwormMatGen
-- BrushMaterials: Free:BrushMaterials : #materialLibrary()
-- oneLibrary: Free:oneLibrary : false
-- usedecl: Free:usedecl : false
-- bl: Free:bl : true
-- br: Free:br : true
-- count: Free:count : 19
-- mdl: Free:mdl : false
-- total: Free:total : 190
-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- [stack level: 4]
-- called from wwmt_ceate_material_library(); filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2017\scripts\WallWorm.com\common\wwmt_material_library_generator.ms; position: 3772; line: 100
-- Parameters:
-- p: "F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials"
-- project: "csgo_dev"
-- br: true
-- bl: true
-- mdl: false
-- folderFilter: "*dev*"
-- fileFilter: "*"
-- recurse: true
-- usedecl: false
-- forceMXS: false
-- Locals:
-- message: undefined
-- AllMaterials: undefined
-- stopwatch: dotNetObject:System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch
-- BlendMaterials: #materialLibrary()
-- DecalMaterials: #materialLibrary()
-- ModelMaterials: #materialLibrary()
-- BrushMaterials: #materialLibrary()
-- matContinue: undefined
-- oneLibrary: false
-- project: "csgo_dev"
-- recurse: true
-- usedecl: false
-- p: "F:\source\csgo\csgo\root\materials"
-- br: true
-- bl: true
-- forceMXS: false
-- fileFilter: "*"
-- count: 19
-- mdl: false
-- folderFilter: "*dev*"
-- wwmt_getFilesRecursive: wallwormFileOpsStruct.getFilesRecursive()
-- total: 190
-- Externals:
-- owner: undefined
-- wallwormMatGen: Global:wallwormMatGen : Rollout:wallwormMatGen
-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- [stack level: 5]
-- called from btnGenerate.pressed(); filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2017\scripts\WallWorm.com\common\wwmt_material_library_generator.ms; position: 11701; line: 246
-- member of: Rollout:wallwormMatGen
-- Locals:
-- message: undefined
-- cont: true
-- errors: #()
-- Externals:
-- chk_blendLibrary: RolloutControl:chk_blendLibrary in rollout:wallwormMatGen : CheckBoxControl:chk_blendLibrary
-- owner: Rollout:wallwormMatGen
-- edtFolders: RolloutControl:edtFolders in rollout:wallwormMatGen : EditTextControl:edtFolders
-- chkMXS: RolloutControl:chkMXS in rollout:wallwormMatGen : CheckBoxControl:chkMXS
-- edt_libraryName: RolloutControl:edt_libraryName in rollout:wallwormMatGen : EditTextControl:edt_libraryName
-- chk_decalLibrary: RolloutControl:chk_decalLibrary in rollout:wallwormMatGen : CheckBoxControl:chk_decalLibrary
-- chk_recurse: RolloutControl:chk_recurse in rollout:wallwormMatGen : CheckBoxControl:chk_recurse
-- wallwormMatGen: Rollout:wallwormMatGen
-- edtFileFilters: RolloutControl:edtFileFilters in rollout:wallwormMatGen : EditTextControl:edtFileFilters
-- chk_modelLibrary: RolloutControl:chk_modelLibrary in rollout:wallwormMatGen : CheckBoxControl:chk_modelLibrary
-- chk_brushLibrary: RolloutControl:chk_brushLibrary in rollout:wallwormMatGen : CheckBoxControl:chk_brushLibrary
-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- [stack level: 6]
-- called from top-level

I can generate a material library from the tools folder of csgo however the bitmap's path to the vtf everytime is correct but the image is just a blank black bitmap. And when I reload the path to the vtf file that's when the bitmap goes from what it should be to the blank black bitmap texture.

Also when I try to generate a material library with the dev folder of csgo or basically any folder that has a blend vmt file the error above shows up.

Yesterday (7/12/2016) I had this problem but a good restart on my computer fixed the material generator, but now I have the same problems as before today (7/13/2016). I going to restart my computer to see if I can see if this fixes it for some reason.

The restart on my computer didn't fix the paths. I tried to overwrite the materials and that didn't work and then I deleted all the libraries and generated them and that also didn't work.

EDIT: I noticed that I was missing the VTF loader system path. I added it then tried to generate a material library, it still isn't working. I'm gonna restart 3ds max and see if it works now.
Title: Re: Material Libraries Keeps Forgetting Paths to Vtf Files
Post by: wallworm on July 13, 2016, 09:32:32 PM
Are you using WW or WW Pro?
Title: Re: Material Libraries Keeps Forgetting Paths to Vtf Files
Post by: wallworm on July 13, 2016, 09:37:12 PM
If WW Pro, then make sure that the VTF Importer is properly loaded. Do this in the material editor by loading a new Bitmap and browse for VTF. If it doesn't let you load, it means that the VTF loader isn't loaded into the Max preferences. In that case, see this thread on manually setting the VTF loaders to run (http://www.wallworm.net/index.php/topic,1293.0.html).
Title: Re: Material Libraries Keeps Forgetting Paths to Vtf Files
Post by: MASSIVELIVEFUN on July 13, 2016, 09:47:41 PM
I'm using wallworm pro and I fixed it scouring the forums. Thank you for the top post in the material and texture subforum. It was the system path not being included.
Title: Re: Material Libraries Keeps Forgetting Paths to Vtf Files
Post by: wallworm on July 13, 2016, 09:49:56 PM
Glad you got it working. Not sure how it gets unset sometimes.... I think that one reason is if the appdata folders get deleted/corrupted... or who knows how else. I've seen it happen to me once in the last couple years and it's been reported a few times. If it happens it could be a pain... but at least there is an easy-enough fix.
Title: Re: Material Libraries Keeps Forgetting Paths to Vtf Files
Post by: MASSIVELIVEFUN on July 13, 2016, 10:02:39 PM
I think it might be because when some people like myself updates wallworm they forget to unblock the zip and it's files. So when they extract and run the script it's actually the wallworm free version and I think that doesn't include the VTF loader path. Right? I don't know im just speculating because I updated wallworm, forgot to unblock the latest zip, and I was trying to solve this problem.
Title: Re: Material Libraries Keeps Forgetting Paths to Vtf Files
Post by: wallworm on July 13, 2016, 10:06:35 PM
That's a possibility. It certainly can lead to problems if the files are not unblocked.

At some point I may write an installer... but even the installer needs to be elevated (which is why when installing programs Windows asks you for permission to modify the computer). We'll see if I can get around to it when time frees up.