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Messages - Exaco

Hey all, maybe someone knows how to configure the csgo ? Used to know some time ago, but now there's no .FGD file and there's no GameConfig.

All i can get out of WallWorm atm:

Edit: Trying this:
General Discussion / AGR Support ?
June 08, 2017, 05:18:20 AM
Hello, is there any plans for .AGR support ? What it does is basically exports ingame animations from a .dem to 3D Soft using HLAE.
General Discussion / Re: Bake Map ?
December 06, 2015, 08:15:27 AM
2012 for WW, Source Engine related ( because most of source engine related plugins does not work in newer Max ), 2015 for other works.

The issue is pretty mysterious, after importing D2 there is some kind of cubic model ( not skybox ) that doesn't exist in Hammer or Map itself, after deleting it the performance goes up like 300%. It's strange because 1 model without even hi poly count cannot cause the lag. And yea, when i delete all those transparent planes the performance increases. But it's still weird, c4d can barely handle the map when exported, also when i downgrade the map to CS:S version there's 0 lag ( ~100fps in shaded mode ) even the geometry and textures are the same. Soon i will test again. Maybe i will find the issue/fix and will report here.
My friend also has some issues, GTX 970, i7-4790K, 8GB RAM and he said he needs like a minute to select/deselect something.
General Discussion / Bake Map ?
December 03, 2015, 05:21:47 AM
Hello, i've noticed that WallWorm is converting the .smd / .qc files in realtime and the CPU is heavily loaded, my old i5-2320 can barely handle DE Dust 2 ( CS:GO ), i have like 0.3fps in Shaded mode ( even with no textures ) is there any way to Bake the map into simple ( not file format, just to be like it's all made in max :D ) .fbx or .obj type of geometry ? Because i've worked with models and maps that has over few million polygons with complex geometry and 2 to 4k tex and i had none lag with it and compared to Dust2 the D2 is nothing ( A few planes with few lowres textures ).

Also i will need to export the map as .FBX with embed media ( diffuse tex ), but first i need to fix some things there and i can barely do it due to the freezes/lag.
Here it is:
Edit: found a solution, the decompiled .qc has no "cdmaterials" dir, so adding some it solves the problem. ( I've used Crowbar v0.29 )
Thanks for info :)

I've used Hide Tools, here is how the map looks right after import and clicking Hide Tools:

Here is some issues:

Here is how the map looks after removing all possible "Tools", left some of them in double doors, so ignore it, the problem is player clipping and nodraw - if i try to remove them, model parts removes together and there is no group, i've opened all groups. Also from ingame possible views it's not a big deal, most of them are invisible. In case i can just make it 100% transparent, however it would be best to remove them to get the map more optimized ( Render ):

P.S. I can apply those textures and fix it, but weird thing i've noticed that some textures is there in right place and right name, but they didn't apply. There is also few objects e.g. Telephone_Pole003 and there is only Telephone_Pole001 texture in the materialsrc, so after applying it to Telephone_Pole003 object it looks ok ( using same tex for different poles ).

I import props from decompiled .vmf Maybe will leave for a night to import the entire models folder, but first gonna play around to see maybe there is fix for tex.
Also the map looks low poly - the round walls, should i uncheck the "Quadrify" or something else ?
Hello everyone, what's the best way to import maps into 3ds ?

- .VMF has some bugs on some maps, small maps works better, imported ar_shoots ( CS:GO ) it's pretty much bug-free, but when it comes to bigger ones like Dust2 there is alot of issues, some objects is untextured or resized, there is "Player Clip" which cannot be removed ( attached to model ), also NODRAW which removes together with models.

- .VBSP ( did not tried, is it good ? Or is it only for Sprites ? )

- .DXF ( it's AutoCAD, so pretty much useless i guess - wireframe/lines only )

- .MAP ( Same as .vmf ? )
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