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Using WWMT / Re: Using WWMT for Gmod TTT
February 15, 2015, 01:45:59 PM
Yeah, wish I had remembered that button when I was making the video. I'll probably just throw an annotation in because getting the videos recorded were already ridiculous (OBS was crashing like every 5 mins or so and corrupting the vid...)
Using WWMT / Re: Using WWMT for Gmod TTT
February 11, 2015, 08:41:03 AM
hmm strange, I'll look at it.

Edit: Fixed. Must have just been a bugged playlist url or something..
Using WWMT / Using WWMT for Gmod TTT
February 09, 2015, 05:49:59 PM

I got around to making some decently in depth vids on how to take a model from max to gmod with WWMT.

Figured I'd put em up here as well in case others come along asking about it.
Cheers and I always appreciate feedback :)

PS: Thanks again Shawn for making this awesome awesome tool.

Edit: fixed the embedding...strangeness.
No problemo, glad to help.

Hopefully I'll post the vid I just completed later tonight. (have to cut it up and such)
Materials and Textures / Error when exporting Materials
January 18, 2015, 09:50:52 AM

I'm making a tutorial vid for the Gmod users on how to get models into source with WWorm but when I go to do material exporting I get this error.

It exports my vtf's still but it does NOT make my vmt which is a bit of a problem I'd say...

Just checked something as well, if I uncheck the vmt then I don't get the error.
and it's in the file apparently.

I fixed it with just an if check
if(tempBitmap != undefined) then (
close tempBitmap

and now it works fine, vmt and vtf's are exported correctly and nicely.
Using WWMT / Re: Error exporting materials
June 29, 2014, 01:47:55 PM
I was about to say maybe it's the coplanar thing but I just decided I'll give it one more explode try and of course found a zfighting plane hiding in one of the walls, no idea how i missed it last time.
Using WWMT / Re: Error exporting materials
June 29, 2014, 01:42:42 PM
Yeah I've hit the Process button probably 50 times :P

Well crap guess I'll have to try some more stuff.
Using WWMT / Re: Error exporting materials
June 29, 2014, 01:22:16 PM
Is there anyway to find planar geometry in a collision mesh quickly?  Tried to remake my collision mesh for the ship hull and keep getting the

Warning: Model has 2-dimensional geometry (less thatn 0.500 inches thick on any axis)!!!

error. Only one of them at this point but I keep getting it pretty much anytime I touch the collision mesh (as $concave)

The parts around the hole are now 1 box at the back, 1 on each side and the other part is all one piece, the floor below is one piece (no hole on the second floor) and all the pieces for the hull are all boxes as well

It should be thick enough ...

Even if I take those and do the generate hulls in WWHullHelper the export still gives the same error...

I have gone through with element mode and selected each piece and did the "Detach" with WWHH to check and there wasn't any extra planes or something hidden...
Using WWMT / Re: Error exporting materials
June 23, 2014, 12:46:18 PM
Those look pretty handy for sure, I'm a tad strapped for cash at the moment (waiting on a contract for the summer then for the start of the next year so..)
I will definitely be trying throw some money at you when I can cause these tools are well worth it and the fact that you have made them freely available (WWMT) you should definitely get something in return :D

I'll share what I have when I start getting some texturing going probably. Right now I'm just going to be doing block out and collision mesh tests so we can get some play testing going on our server before I actually put effort into making it look good :P
Using WWMT / Re: Error exporting materials
June 22, 2014, 03:45:38 PM
Yeah I figured the planar part would be a problem so I guess just making some give or take boxes that match close enough will have to do (and I guess I will just limit players from going to the bottom hull anyways in the end too)

I'll also read that thread as well.

Thanks so much for the insight and help, WW is definitely making this a lot less of a headache than I was first thinking it was going to be (mapping/modeling for source)
Using WWMT / Re: Error exporting materials
June 22, 2014, 03:23:14 PM
Next question (unless you want me to make a new thread for it)
I'm making a ship with a hollowed interior so the player can go inside etc. I was watching the collision hull videos but I don't have access to convexity and I can't seem to find another one for making hulls without the convexity plugin.

Every time I've tried the hull part of WW I end up getting a convex mesh for the whole thing in the end (building the model the batch says there's a problem with the geometry (I'm assuming collision mesh since first export without it didn't have the complaint)

I tried doing the detach geometry steps but since there's an inner/outter piece that isn't directly joined not sure what I should do for source to not complain about it.
Using WWMT / Re: Error exporting materials
June 21, 2014, 04:06:49 PM
Can confirm that doing the export with the CSS config works, I can see my model in hammer.
Using WWMT / Re: Error exporting materials
June 21, 2014, 03:10:58 PM
That'd be cool, really appreciate the help you give and effort you put into all this. I'll give it a shot with CSS for the time being then. Is there no HL2 setup or is CSS pretty much the same in this respect?
Using WWMT / Re: Error exporting materials
June 21, 2014, 11:44:16 AM
I would love to not have to use hammer haha.  But I'm aiming to make a TTT map so I think at some point I'll have to use hammer for something but I could of course be wrong...I'm a UDK/Unity guy mainly so hammer is bleh...

Yeah I made sure not to have hammer open when I was dropping the mdl and such in the folder for hl2

Also found the cfg/mount.cfg file but not sure why it's complaining about it cause it is there and exists (in the gmod folder unless it's looking for it somewhere else I guess?)
Using WWMT / Re: Error exporting materials
June 21, 2014, 11:30:33 AM
Yeah I followed your newest Gmod video to get everything setup again and indeed, changing the texture name to be myproject did make it so the outputdir error is gone but the first one is still there (also had to change my materialsrc path cause for some reason it was pointing to mapsrc...)

Just tried putting it in hammer and doesn't show up but the bounding box for the model looks correct size...soo close man haha all I wanna do is make a map :(
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