WallWorm 1.78 Free Importing whole CSGO map?

Started by lauris47, October 30, 2019, 10:39:14 AM

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I just updated Wall Worm to newest version, and CSGO map that I just imported with earlier versions (I think it was 1.75) does not import fully. For example, props are not imported, I think overlays and lights as well are not imparted too. In general file size of the imported map just before update was ~1gb, and after update ~200 mb. Although, interface changed slightly, I tried to set the options that were set in the previous version.

Is it a normal behaviour of free version, or something is not right?

Is there an archive, where I can download previous version?

Thank you.


The main change between VMF Importer 1.75 and 1.78 is that you can now set options to import or exclude specific subsets of objects like brushes, displacements and entities. There should be no other difference. Turn on Brushes, Entities, Displacements and Instances and it should bring in everything. If not, hit F11 and see if there is an error message or helpful notice.

Are the props coming in as cubes instead of models, or are they simply missing altogether?

There is no archive of older versions because it's too much effort to keep people on latest as is. Send me your VMF file and I will see if there is something in it that confuses the importer.


Thank you for quick reply. Props are not imported at all, they do not appear as squares. Optioned that you mentioned were turned on.

When I opened MaxScript listener, I tried to run path Compiler, I see that I get * Error 4: ModelSrc folder not set. This is needed to export models.

I am trying to figure out why this is happening now.


Can you tell me what version of Max you are using and if you have the Game Info Path, FGD and Bin folders set in your global settings.


All Game and Asset Paths are set, including BinDir. I tried this on 2018 and 2019 Max versions.

I noticed that every time I try to import map, I get different result. This time, with same options only few objects were imported - camera and target, and  some other objects under WllWomUtilityLayer.

I will try to reinstall WallWorm and see what it does.


My guess is the VMF parser is failing. In the VMF Parser Import Options, set the Retry Limit to something like 5. See if you get any notice in the MAXSript listener about a parse error after doing this.


I increased limit to 5.

I get these errors:

QuoteError parsing VMF attempt 1:-- Runtime error: array index must be positive number, got: 0
Will attempt another 5 times...

Error parsing VMF attempt 2:-- Runtime error: array index must be positive number, got: 0
Will attempt another 4 times...

Error parsing VMF attempt 3:-- Known system exception
-- ########################################################################
-- Address: 0x31f7121d; nCode: 0x00000000C0000005
-- Desc: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.
--       Read of Address: 0x00000203C5361000
-- ########################################################################
Will attempt another 3 times...

Error parsing VMF attempt 4:-- Runtime error: array index must be positive number, got: 0
Will attempt another 2 times...

Error parsing VMF attempt 5:-- Runtime error: array index must be positive number, got: 0
Will attempt another 1 times...

NOTICE: Although the level imported, the parse function failed (6) times.

Now Importing Models from QCs


Can you send me your VMF so that I can discover where this error comes from. My email is included in the WW Readme file in your ww installation path.


its a standard Vertigo map, I cannot attach it due to the limit. it is almost 7mb. I tried Mirage as well, didn't work after I updated to 1.78.


You can email it to me through your email program, correct?

Where can you get the Vertigo vmf file. It's not in my CSGO sdk maps folder.


I am using https://github.com/ata4/bspsrc/releases that decompiles bsp to vmf.
Cannot see your email in profile. Here is few maps, including Vertigo: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ea58q0Std_YXh8kC8Luo2PZmNwYZbZxw?usp=sharing


Oh. I don't ever support decompiled maps.

One of the main things that causes the compiler to fail is line endings. The VMF file should have \r\n line endings and should have one at the end of the file. That will fix a parse error.

However, there may be some actual data structure error in the VMF. I would not be able to know without having the VMF. If you email it to me I'll at least see what in it is causing WW to crash with the invalid array index.


It is strange, since it worked before (5 minutes) I updated to 1.75, while I using the same Vertigo file. I will try to decompile it again and import.
Few maps: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ea58q0Std_YXh8kC8Luo2PZmNwYZbZxw?usp=sharing


OK, I've opened the file and imported locally. I see the problem.

In recent versions the VMF importer updated to use actual Visgroups in import rather than just layers. The visgroup IDs are expected to start at 1. This VMF has them starting at 0. I will fix WW to fix this later today. It's possible all the visgroups will be offset by one, but at least it will import.


Run the Updater app or download latest installer. The bug causing your error should now be gone.

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