[HELP] Test importing de_cache

Started by jonathan, October 22, 2016, 03:04:31 PM

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Hey, I made a post about a month ago asking if it was possible to import de_cache to 3ds max. The replies I got were helpful but I need some more help. I am a student so I can't just go spending money on things that may not work. What I am asking is can someone who has access to the WW pro beta test if it is possible to import de_cache fully?
Thank you in advance.


I've gotten over a dozen requests to import maps for people this last month. I just cannot accommodate everyone on that. The bottom line is that the new plugin is being developed to make reusing assets easier. The importer in latest version (in beta) is generally better than previous and is certainly far faster (in 2016 at this moment). But that doesn't mean there won't be issues.


Hey, I've downloaded the new WW update and I still can't get de_cache to import correctly. I have extracted the content within the de_cache.bsp and placed them in the correct folders (models, materials (.tga, vmt and vmf)). I then followed the old method of importing vmf's but the models never import only the world geometry.


Which version of Max? The updated instructions also explain you must restart Max after installing... this is a new requirement after installing update. Finally, do your global ww settings have all the paths setup (like game info and MatGen, etc?) These are all required. Matgen should be to a writable path and gameinfo needs to be set properly for the tools to know where the MDL VPKs reside.


I am on 3ds Max 2016. I have restarted max multiple times. With the new mdl importer I can see all the models from the .vpk. My paths are set up correctly, they're the same ones I used for the previous updates and it worked fine for other maps just not de_cache.


I don't know what to day. Every vmf I import lately brings in all the models. I'm assuming the VMF is from a decompiled bsp? I've never tried using a decompiled bsp.

So you are saying other maps will import but just not this one? It's time for you to do some Sherlocking and determine what's different between the VMF files that work and the VMF files that don't :)


I have just downloaded the de_cache.vmf directly from FMPONE and tried importing that. I am still experiencing issues with models not loading and I also got this error .

Link to VMF https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B77iMtjNnAxPdTNzLV9MMjZuWGc


Hit F11 when that error happens and paste the entire error.


Can you go to your global settings and turn off debug mode, the paste results. That page is too long and freezes my browser.


OK, that's a bug in the new MDL class. I will patch it shortly.


I have updated WW with what should fix the issue you reported.


I've got the original files from fmpone and will test importing it.

PS. You should not use the option to import from QC in current version of WW if the MDL files are present on your computer as it should only use the MDL and not QC. The QC option is for older versions of Max and for cases where you don't have the MDL files.

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