VTA Export - The Flex File Was not Properly Exported

Started by herob4u, May 19, 2016, 10:16:56 PM

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This is my first attempt to compile models for SFM, and the bane of my existence always was morphers. As convenient as WWMT tries to make it; it all seems in vain. When exporting the model, WW tries to translate my morphs into VTA. I can see it working through the keyframes. As it approaches somewhere between frames 9-10, it freezes and throws the message "The Flex file was not properly exported". Checking out the model in SFM indeed goes to show that none of the morphers are functioning. What is this error a symptom of? What kind of rules did I break.

I also want to make clear that when I use the WW Morpher UI and choose the "Flex Prep Selected", it returns with the message " 0 Objectes prepared". That isn't supposed to happen, is it?

EDIT: Removing the skin modifier somehow solves the problem. The flexes function properly in SFM. But that defeats the purpose!! Why can the skin break it...


OK, so I did some digging. I found a bug and steps to fix but this relates to WW Pro only. The link has a solution.

In terms of the Flex Prep, it will take the currently selected object and animate the weights all the morpher channels. Make sure you have one object only selected.

If this doesn't work, then I need you to send me the file to test how it isn't.

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