Lods don't show up

Started by loafster, May 18, 2012, 06:27:35 AM

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Yesterday I tried to figure out lods. I made a cargo container with two lod models. I made my own and exported the model.
I tested the model in-game and in the model viewer. The original model disappears, but none of the lod models pop in. Moving the camera in Max displays the lods.


I opened the lod.smds in Max and both were fine.
The qc has the following:
$lod 23
replacemodel "cargo_container" "cargo_container_LOD_1.smd"
$lod 45
replacemodel "cargo_container" "cargo_container_LOD_2.smd"

I'm about to go to sleep. I'm gonna try to figure it out tomorrow. I don't know what went wrong. Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I also made 4 different diffuse textures. Did a quick search for multiple skins on the forums and found the answer. Successfully exported the skins :D  Neat way of doing it with the sub-object material.


I'm not sure what is happening. One possible reason for the failure could be that the LOD models are set to be non-renderable and the WW settings have an option checked called "Export Non-Renderable Mesh as Bone".

If that doesn't solve it, send me the Max file or send me a link to download it and I will see what might be amiss.


After opening the file, I think I know the problem.

Each of the LOD models must have the exact same material as the main model. Simply assign the main model's material (which is the Standard Material called Blue in your scene) to the LOD models. (You can unhide each LOD with the LOD UI then assign that material)

You can also designate lower-res versions of materials to swap out with that LOD but that must be done through the WWMT LOD list UI with that LOD's Material button.

Let me know if that solves your dilemma.


That was it. Like usual a minor problem that stopped me in my tracks. Thanks a bunch.
Now on to make a collision mesh.

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