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Messages - wallworm

Wall Worm News / Wall Worm supports 3ds Max 2024
April 08, 2023, 11:52:58 AM
The latest installer works with 3ds Max 2024. If you find any issues, please report them to me.
Wall Worm News / Wall Worm 5.8.4 Released
April 02, 2023, 01:49:18 PM
When WW 5.8.3 was released last week, it was missing several plugin packages. That is fixed in 5.8.4.
Wall Worm News / Wall Worm 5.6.1 Released
January 08, 2023, 07:06:33 PM
Version 5.6.1 released on 1-8-2023

   * Entities: Added new Entity Override workflow that allows you to override entity properties when an entity inside a Forest or PropLine meets the conditions of the override. Current conditions are altitude-based or volume-based.
   * CSGO Tools: Added rollout to create the map TXT file for CSGO.
   * ProPal: Fixed MAXScript error when manually creating a ProPal node in some versions of 3ds Max.

   * VMF Exporter: Updated the VMF Exporter to only place the -deletecubemaps command in the PAK batch file. When used, the user is required to rebuild cubemaps.


Version 5.5.4 released on 12-28-2022

   * PropLine: Fixed a MAXScript error that could happen when deleting nodes that are used as sources in a PropLine.


Version 5.5.3 released on 12-28-2022

   * PropLine: Fixed the Skip Materials PropLine only working with WallWormMDL nodes.
   * PropLine: Fixed some transform issues with non Wall Worm MDL nodes when using the Skip Materials functions.
Wall Worm News / Wall Worm 5.5.2 Released
December 28, 2022, 03:55:37 PM
Version 5.5.2 released on 12-28-2022

   * PropLine: Added button to acquire include/exclude settings from another PropLine in the scene.
   * PropLine: Updated PropLine to properly utilize the WallWormMDL node's face count for display limit purposes such as Hull and LODs.
   * PropLine: Fixed incorrect size calculations on WallWormMDL nodes in some cases.
   * PropLine: Fixed problem in PropLine where prop instances could have incorrect transforms when the Skip Materials option was on.
   * Materials: Fixed missing material parsing in some cases. Only for Max 2022+.
   * VMF Exporter: Updated VMF Exporter to always write the batch files to compile and PAK the assets even if the exporter is not actually compiling.
   * VMF Exporter: Added new option to delete cubemaps in compiler. When enabled, the command is added to the beginning of the PAK batch file.
   * VMF Exporter: Updated the PAK report to skip files that are missing but are found inside the PAK file (for 3ds Max 2022+).
   * VMF Exporter: Updated the PAK report to not mention missing .sw.vtx and .dx80.vtx files as modern compilers aren't making these anymore.
   * Entities: Fixed defect causing an infinite loop in some occassions when looking for entity classes.
   * Soundscape Manager: Fixed defect that caused Max to freeze indefinitely when loading the Soundscape Manager.

Version 5.4.1 released on 11-12-2022

   * PropLine: Added new option called Skip Materials. When on, materials are not generated for the PropLine. Helps improve performance.
   * PropLine: Added new options to display meshes with high face count as Boxes.
   * Displacements: Added new spinner in the Displacement Floater to control the depth of terrain brushes when using the Terrain and Corridor functions.
   * Displacements: Updated some of the button groups in the Displacement Floater.

Version 5.2.9 released on 10-24-2022

   * CorVex Spline: Fixed incorrect additional spline segments being created in a CorVex Spline using the new Side Mid Divisiors setting.
   * CorVex Spline: Fixed regression where CorVex Splines from wall-mode corvexes that were not closed would create an unexpected extra segment.
Wall Worm News / Re: Forum Registration Update
December 25, 2022, 10:42:56 AM
After over three years of the Admin Approval-only admittance, I finally chose to get a commercial solution to the spam problem. Now new members can now join and post immediately.

Hopefully this revives some activity here. New members dropped to almost zero after that change above as it was too exhausting to sift through the pages and pages of spambot accounts joining to try and find legitimate users.

With the update also comes an update to the forum itself with a nicer WYSIWYG form for posts.
Wall Worm News / Wall Worm 5.2.8 Released
October 23, 2022, 11:18:51 AM
Version 5.2.8 released on 10-22-2022

   * Material Utilities: Added an option to rename (non-bitmap) textures based on their usage in a material.
   * WWMT: Added new Hull Material ID setting that will force the exporter to convert faces using that Material ID into a collision hull. Useful for complex models made in ForestPack or RailClone. Available only in the modify tab of a WWMT Helper.
   * CorVex Spline: Added name list that will allow the corvex spline to derive itself from any corvex nodes with names matching the patterns. Useful to make a CorVex Spline from a CorVex in a XRef Scene. BETA Feature not full tested!!
   * CorVex Spline: Fixed CorVexSpline missing a segment on CorVex nodes in block mode.
   * CorVex Spline: Added new settings to make a vertical spline on the middle line of each side of a CorVex.
   * CorVex: Fixed MAXScript error that could happen in fringe cases related to invalid material ID values.
   * PropLine: Added new option to randomly flip objects 180 degrees in the Z Axis.
   * PropLine: Fixed the max values of Translation and Rotation values not being enabled when randomization is turned on.


Version 5.2.1 released on 9-26-2022
   * Batch Tools: Added a new Batch Tool to mass convert files into MDLs.
   * FBX to MDL: Updated the tool to include a UI for the new Batch MDL converter.
   * Sky Writer: Updated the Max Render Time spinner from Integer to Float.
   * Sky Writer: Changed the label of the Render Time to Render Frame.

   * Entities: Added new buttons in the Modify tab of entities with a vscript parameter to open/create/edit script files and associate them to the entity. When no script file exists at the location chosen, an empty script is created and opened. (3ds Max 2022+ only.)
   * VMF Exporter: Fixed the compile batch script to work with map names that were previously not working because of incorrectly escaped characters.
   * VMDL Exporter: Added first prototype version of the VMDL exporter for Source 2. Not yet production ready.


Version 5.1.45 released on 9-8-2022
   * Displacement Proxy: Fixed Mesh face index out of range MAXScript error in some scenes with a Displacement Proxy.

Version 5.1.44 released on 9-5-2022
   * Macros: Added new Macroscript to delete the faces of objects using tool textures. Can be called via "" "WallWormDeleteToolTextures". You can also add to the UI using the "Delete Faces using Tool Textures" from the category in the Customize User Interface menus.
   * Entity Manager: Fixed MAXScript error when text was typed into the Filter field.
   * Sky Writer: Added option to choose camera type (Free Camera, Physical Camera or Vray Camera).
   * Sky Writer: Updated Sky Writer to keep its camera in the scene after rendering. This allows customizing some of the camera parameters.

Version 5.1.42 released on 8-21-2022
   * Macros: Added new Macroscript to place selected object pivots to the average position of their bottom-most vertices. Can be called via "" "PivotToBottomAverage" .


Version 5.1.40 released on 7-5-2022

   * Brush Proxy: Added new (experimental) Brush Proxy Primitive to create geometry from brushes in the scene. Useful for reference in an XRef Scene. Material generation still buggy.
   * VMF Exporter: Fixed issues exporting levels with specific names.
   * VMF Exporter: Fixed exporter not launching game if also PAKing assets.
   * VMF Exporter: Fixed defect exporting scenes with VRay and Arnold cameras.
   * VMF Exporter: Added new option to export hidden cordons as active. This setting is not available in the exporter UI, but can be accessed via MAXScript with rootnode.exportHiddenCordons. It is a boolean. Existing scenes will be set to false to keep past conventions. New scenes will default to true.
   * VMT Importer: Updated VMT Importer to add a Missing Texture (missing.tga) to texture slots that point to textures that cannot be found. This fixes crashes when using Autodesk Vault that was having issues with bitmaps pointing to missing file paths.
   * Delete Faces Modifier: Fixed button not working in the Delete Faces custom attribute to remove rollout from UI.
Thanks for helping out Joris :)

For Standard Material you need Scanline as Joris said.

Do share what project you are doing to come back to Source and WW! :)
Commercial Tools / Re: Delete Faces Modifier
August 13, 2022, 03:06:36 PM
Quote from: AeRo on August 06, 2022, 05:34:53 AM
Version for Max 2023 passible ?

Sorry I did not update the independent downloads for 2023. The 2023 version has been included in the WW Pro Pack Installer for months, but I forgot to update the zips for each one for those installing independently.

Quote from: AeRo on August 11, 2022, 04:57:06 AM
Since this plugin has become free - maybe make it as a startup ms script - that way the need for new versions and collapse problem will disappear?

The plugin has a startup script for the custom attribute needed to interface with some of the plugin. But it won't be practical to change to MAXscript instead of the C++ version. There is a button in the command panel that will delete the rollout after you collapse it down. Clicking that should remove the rollout.

Commercial Tools / Re: Delete Faces Modifier
July 01, 2022, 01:32:14 PM
The issue is that the modifier UI is mostly a custom attribute instead of native C++ because I am much better with MAXScript than C++. The default behavior of custom attributes is to propagate into collapsed geometry. I may be able to detect this in an event listener; I will put it onto my backlog to address. No ETA.
Commercial Tools / Re: Delete Faces Modifier
June 25, 2022, 12:27:25 PM
You should be able to select the object(s) and paste this into MAXScript listener then hit enter:

for obj in selection do (while (custAttributes.count obj > 0) do (custAttributes.delete obj 1))

Note it will delete ALL custom attributes on the node... so if you have others that you want to keep, you'll need more selective code.
General Discussion / Re: Decal uv channel
June 10, 2022, 12:15:11 PM
Yes, it's something I can add. It's just time. I am one of world's top MAXScript people, but not the best C++ people. The WW plugin for MDL Loading is all C++. It's now been a few years since I did any serious looking into that code. So it would take some time. I very much intend to add Morph, Animation and 2nd UV support ... but whether I will actually get to find the time for that is another issue. I've toyed with hiring someone to help update some of the C++ plugins, but finding someone knowledgeable about Source engine coding and also Max SDK is hard--and those I know are too busy right now to take up any side gigs.
Wall Worm News / Re: Wall Worm 5.1.36 Released
June 06, 2022, 11:19:34 AM
Version 5.1.37 released on 6-6-2022

   * WallWormMDL: Fixed several features for getting Game data not working in 3ds Max 2023 (like the MDL browser, texture loader and others).
Wall Worm News / Wall Worm 5.1.36 Released
June 05, 2022, 01:49:21 PM
Version 5.1.36 released on 6-5-2022

   * Entities: Fixed a MAXScript error that could happen when copying entities.
   * Displacements: Added new function to send displacements to an XRef Scene.
   * Assets: Updateed RES File Generator and BSP PAK functions to collect .NUT script files from entities.
   * WWMT: Fixed defect in LODs that was copying the root LOD material to all subsequent LODs when exporting a WWMT. Previously affected scenes will need the LOD materials re-assigned because of this defect.
   * WallWormMDL: Fixed a MAXScript error when exporting clicking the Orientation Fixup button in the MDL command panel but there the MDL data is missing or not yet assigned.
   * Overview Exporter: Fixed overview exporter not working with several game configurations.
   * Overview Exporter: Fixed MAXScript error in Overview Exporter.

Version 5.1.33 released on 5-24-2022

   * Tools: Fixed Slice Tools custom attribute to not cause a MAXScript error when the file with the slice modifier is loaded into a version of Max where Wall Worm is not installed.

Version 5.1.32 released on 5-22-2022

   * DMX Exporter: Fixed some MAXScript errors in the DMX exporter caused by exporting meshes with a Physical Material.


Version 5.1.31 released on 5-22-2022

   * PropLine: Added new options to progressively affect scaling of props.
   * VMF Exporter: Fixed error in the VMF Exporter batch file that was failing to copy the map BSP to the maps folder on completion.


Version 5.1.29 released on 5-22-2022

   * Entities: Added support for the Get Sound button in entities to browse the game's current sounds.
   * VMF Exporter: Updated exporter to delete the temporary log file generated during compile.
General Discussion / Re: Decal uv channel
May 31, 2022, 01:30:28 AM
It's on my list. I'll try to find time to do this.
General Discussion / Re: Decal uv channel
May 26, 2022, 05:56:52 PM
You can export that channel, but it's not currently imported.
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